BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Belgium Local time: 09:16 AM

Franchise Partner Service Search

Close Cooperation

The objective of the Franchise Partner Search Service is to assist U.S. franchise firms in expanding in Belgium. This time and cost saving program is designed to identify potential investors and provide updated research on the Belgian market.

Franchise companies have unique needs when expanding internationally. For these companies, Belgium offers a special program that includes an advertising and a direct mailing campaign in order to fully explore the potential market.

As with the standard Gold Key Service, you provide us with information about your company and the business partner you are looking for in Belgium. We contact prospective partners, either with an ad or a mailing, provide interested parties with your company information, and set up a schedule of meetings on a date of your choice.

We can also help you arrange hotel, car rental, communication, secretarial and translation services.

For more information of the Franchise Partner Service Search, please contact Pierre Thomas.