Strategic Habitat Conservation
Southeast Region


Map of the Southeast Region

Strategic Landscape Conservation

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The Right Conservation in the Right Places to Benefit American's Fish and Wildlife

The Fish and Wildlife Service, its employees and partners over the past century have built an extraordinary legacy of conservation. The Service's leaders have committed to pursue landscape conservation through its Strategic Habitat Conservation framework - a framework pioneered by our partners at the Nature Conservancy. This framework and our strong partnerships will pave the way forward for us through the next century in our conservation work. Over time, our goal is to provide the tools you need to implement this framework focused on population objectives and take the next bold steps in our conservation work across a suite of challenging issues including the most compelling one of our time -- accelerating climate change.


Conservation in Transition

Conservation in Transition book click here

SHC Handbook

SHC Handbook

SHC Final Report of the Assessment Team

SHC Final Report of the Assessment Team 


Last updated: March 20, 2009
Map of Kentucky Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of North Carolina Map of Tennessee Map of South Carolina Map of Arkansas Map of Louisiana Map of Mississippi Map of Alabama Map of Georgia Map of Florida