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Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent

Elizabeth Burmaster
State Superintendent

Grants support 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Twenty-two school districts and one charter school will share $2.5 million in federal 21st Century Community Learning Center (CLC) funds to provide activities that support student learning.

The 33 sites that will receive CLC funding were among a pool of 123 proposed sites competing for grants. Applicants requested $11.7 million, showing the demand for services that far exceeds available funding. The new sites will join 147 continuing programs in sharing a total of almost $14.4 million statewide for the 2009-10 school year.

Funded sites must provide after-school activities designed to improve student achievement, attendance, and behaviors. Many also offer before-school services as well as weekend and summer programming. In addition to academic support, a number of sites promote parent involvement in their children's education through activities such as family literacy events and parental skill development. Nearly all programs offer opportunities for academic enrichment and recreational activities.

"The program coordinators, instructional staff, and activity leaders of Wisconsin's 21st Century Community Learning Centers are partners in our efforts to close the achievement gap," said State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster. "Research tells us that these programs improve student attendance, motivation, and homework completion, which boosts academic achievement."

According to the recent CLC annual performance report, grant-funded programs served more than 33,000 students annually throughout the state. The majority of participants attend program activities more than 11 hours a week. Of those who regularly attend CLC programming, teachers report that 67 percent had increased academic performance. Teachers also report that students attending CLC programs have demonstrated an increased commitment and engagement to school through improved attendance rates and fewer behavioral problems. Research also shows that well designed after-school programs help create safer neighborhoods and assist parents in caring for their children.

Additional information, including a list of grant awards for new 21st Century Community Learning Centers, is available in the complete news release.

Last updated on 5/5/2009 4:11:46 PM


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