The U.S. Census Bureau

Federal Government Employment and Payroll
March 1997


Federal Government employment data are available in two types, by function and by state. Data by function capture all Federal Civilian employees, including seasonal and intermittent employees, and employees on foreign assignments residing outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Employee counts are the on-board "head count" as of the end of the report period. The payroll data are a monthly total only. There is no detail available for full-time or part-time employee payrolls.

Data by state are collected biennially in even-numbered years as of December 31st of the survey year. These data include total employment counts only. There is no detail for full-time employment, part-time employment or payrolls.

For further details on the Federal Government employment data, see the Technical Documentation.

 Viewable Data  
* Federal Government Employment data by governmental function

 Reference Information
* Technical Documentation - Information related to file layouts and definitions
* Classification Manual - Definitions and explanations of detailed employment codes

 Related Information  
* State Government Employment and Payroll - March 1997
* State and Local Government Employment and Payroll - March 1997
* Local Government Employment and Payroll - March 1997

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division
Created: May 07 1997
Last revised: April 01 2009