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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Sunflower Germplasm Development for Improved Insect and Disease Resistance

Location: Sunflower Research

Project Number: 5442-21220-024-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: May 14, 2008
End Date: May 13, 2013

The objectives of our proposed research are threefold: (1) To evaluate cultivated sunflower and wild Helianthus species for insect and disease resistance, concentrating on those diseases and insects which are of greatest impact to the U.S. sunflower industry, (2) to develop and phenotype segregating populations for DNA marker discovery, which will be used to supplement classical breeding methods to identify breeding material with improved agronomic, disease and insect resistance traits, and (3) to develop advanced germplasm which carry genes for insect and disease resistance.

To identify new sources of insect and disease resistance in sunflower we will evaluate, either under natural infestations (insects) or with artificial inoculations (diseases) a diverse selection of sunflower germplasm, including breeding populations, USDA Plant Introductions, and wild species (obtained from a companion research project 5442-21000-034-00D). For diseases, we will focus on Sclerotinia, downy mildew, and rust. The major insect pests in our studies are the sunflower stem weevil, sunflower moth, and banded sunflower moth. We have developed segregating populations for some insect and diseases, and are developing others. These populations will be used by the project molecular geneticist to identify markers for these traits. Phenotyping will be done at several locations, using either natural insect infestations or artificial inoculations for diseases. Finally, using field plots with natural insect infestations or artificial disease inoculations, and supplemented by marker-assisted selection, we will evaluate the new sources for resistance to the major insect pest species and disease pathogens and transfer that resistance into genetic stocks or advanced USDA germplasm for release to the public.


Project Team
Gulya, Thomas
Charlet, Laurence
Hulke, Brent
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
Related National Programs
  Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (301)
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   Evaluation of Sunflower Germplasm for Sources of Disease Resistance and Studies on Control of Sunflower Diseases
   Pyramiding Sclerotinia Head Rot and Stalk Rot Resistances into Elite Sunflower Breeding Lines with the Aid of DNA Markers
   Sunflower Rust: Race Identification, Hybrid Resistance Evaluation, and Search for New Sources of Resistance
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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