HitekNOFAL is a totally committed group of technical experts and professionals dedicated to delivering highly customized solutions, and value-added services on-time, every-time. Our factory accommodates leading-edge production processes, including assembly product testing, and in-process & final product inspection.

Our portfolio of groundbreaking solutions encompasses Integrated Network solutions, Fiber Optic solutions, Cabling systems, LAN solutions, Wiring systems, Telecom Infrastructure solutions, Energy Network solutions, Biometrics, Test & Measurement equipment, and Security Network solutions.

Focusing on key economic sectors, namely ICT, Energy, Security, Defense Transportation, and General Contracting, we make sure that our customers derive maximum benefit from our strong experience, well-diversified expertise, and technical prowess.

This web site serves as an information organizer. From here you can learn about our solutions, products and services, as well as how to contact us in the event you need to make a purchase. You can also find news about the company as a whole. If you would like to contact us or report a problem please go here

Message of Condolence on the Passing Away of Karim Nofal, Sales Director

We want to express our deepest thanks to all those who participated in the mourning for the terrible and sudden loss of our beloved Karim Nofal, Sales Director, who passed away on October 3rd, 2008, in Munich -Germany

نود أن نعبر عن عميق شكرنا إلى كل من شاركوا وقاموا بتقديم واجب العزاء في المصاب الجلل والمفاجيء الذي حل بفقد العزيز/ كريم نوفل، مدير المبيعات والذي وافته المنية في الثالث من أكتوبر 2008 في ميونخ بألمانيا

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HitekNOFAL Expands its Business in Power Distribution

HitekNOFAL and Yamuna enter into a partnership to locally manufacture power cable accessories in order to serve the local and regional markets. Read More

Implementation of copper and fiber data link layer for point-to-point connection, involving implementation, installation, splicing, testing and commissioning for several projects effectuated in various locations throughout Egypt

The biggest manufacture and R & D station of heat shrink products in China, leader in polymer industry, and radiation technology


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