BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Australia Local time in Sydney and Melbourne: 08:59 AM

Featured U.S. Exporters in Australia

Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a listing of U.S. products and services. The following U.S. contacts may be helpful to Australian companies seeking to import from or represent a U.S. company.

U.S. exporters who are looking for business partners in Australia may post a listing of their product or product line complete with graphics and links in our web site. Simply complete the registration form on the FUSE homepage at:

NOTE: We have provided the names of U.S. companies for informational purposes only. The listing of such companies on our website does not imply endorsement by the Department of Commmerce. The Department of Commerce does not take responsibility for actions readers may take based on the information contained on this website. Readers should always conduct their own due diligence before entering into business ventures or other commercial arrangements. The Department of Commerce can assist companies in these endeavors.

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