Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2000

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2000 (zip format)

I. Allocation Data - Award Year 2000-2001
  • History of Funding and Awards
  • Participating Institutions by Type and Control
  • Comparison of 1999-00 and 2000-01 Allocations
  • Final 2000-01 Allocations
  • Under-Utilization Penalty

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II. Fiscal Data - Award Year 1998-1999

1. Administrative Expense Allowance
  • National Summaries by Type and Control
  • State Listing

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2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • National Summaries by Type and Control
  • State Listing

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3. Federal Work-Study
  • State Listing
    • Fiscal Data
    • Earned Compensation
    • Job Location and Development
    • Community Service Activities
    • Reading Tutor Activities

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  • National Summaries by Type and Control
    • Fiscal Data
    • Earned Compensation
    • Job Location and Development
    • Community Service Activities
    • Reading Tutor Activities
    • Math Tutor Activities

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4. Federal Perkins Loan
  • Fiscal Data
    • National Summaries by Type and Control
    • State Listing

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  • Cohort Default Data
    • National Summaries by Type and Control
    • State Listing

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  • Cumulative Cancellations
    • State Listing
      • Death, Disability, & Bankruptcy
      • Teacher and Military
      • Volunteer, Law Enforcement, Early Intervention,
        & Nurse/Med. Technician

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  • Cumulative Cancellations
    • National Summaries by Type and Control
      • Death, Disability, & Bankruptcy
      • Teacher and Military
      • Volunteer, Law Enforcement, Early Intervention,
        & Nurse/Med. Technician

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III. Recipient Data - Award Year 1998-1999

1. Campus-Based Recipients
  • Part 1
    • Students by Dependency Status, Income,
      Academic Level, & Type and Control

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  • Part 2
    • Students by Dependency Status, Income,
      Academic Level, & Type and Control

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2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • State Listing
  • Income Category Listing

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3. Federal Work-Study
  • State Listing
  • Income Category Listing

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4. Federal Perkins Loan
  • State Listing
  • Income Category Listing

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Last Modified: 09/14/2004