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Applying for a Grant

A Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is now required on all federal applications for assistance. Your organization may obtain a DUNS number at no cost by calling Dun & Bradstreet at (866) 705-5711 or on the Internet Exiting EPA (disclaimer).

Grants Management Office
(MTS-7) U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

If you have been asked to apply for an EPA grant, then please review the following grant application materials. Submitting the complete application package to the Region 9 Grants Management Office will act as your formal request for grant funding. Your application will be reviewed, and if it meets EPA standards, a formal grant may be awarded to your organization. A completed grant application does not guarantee that a grant will be made.

EPA Region 9 Application Kit updated February 25, 2009

Note: Please read both Application Kit and Fill in form (PDF) to complete your application.

NOTE: With the most current PDF reader you may complete these PDF forms from within your browser and then print the completed form. If you choose to save the completed form, only the blank form will be saved.

Another option is to use the full Adobe Acrobat program (not the free reader), which allows you to save the completed form to your computer.

Budget Detail Optional Format (blank)
Completed sample - Budget SF424a and Budget Detail (breakdown by object class categories)

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