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    MacBook Air : MacBook Air is flying here near you, the world's thinnest notebook, pre-orders are welcome at our head office in Garden City and Apple Premium Reseller Tradeline Stores in Mohandsein., Time Capsule : Time Capsule offers a great and effortless solution for backup combined with the revolutionary Time Machine included with Mac OS X Leopard, backup your data wirelessly without you even know, everything go smoothly and when bad things happen, your data is safe right there inside the Time Capsule, : , :

A computer without software is nothing more than an expensive collection of sand, metals and plastic. At the same time we can't ignore that exceptional quality and panache with which Apple creates its hardware but what makes a Macintosh special and sets it apart from the competition is also responsible for elevating simple hardware to a functional computer. This, the true "soul" of a computer, is its operating system. Mac OS X v10.5 code named Leopard is one of the most advanced operating systems worldwide and it brought more than 300 new features than its predecessor besides Leopard is an Open Brand UNIX 03 registered product. That's what gives Mac OS X Leopard solid rock stability, very high performance and security.
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