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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 3, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Note From the Acting Commissioner
     Note From the Acting Commissioner
     By:Gary W. Phillips
     Provides an overview of NCES assessments, which measure a wide variety of knowledge and skills in populations ranging from toddlers through adults.
Featured Topic: Third International Mathematics and Science Study–Repeat
     Pursuing Excellence: Comparisons of International Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Achievement From a U.S. Perspective: 1995 and 1999
     By:Patrick Gonzales, Christopher Calsyn, Leslie Jocelyn, Kitty Mak,
David Kastberg, Sousan Arafeh, Trevor Williams, and Winnie Tsen
     Reports initial findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study-Repeat (TIMSS-R). Includes the performance of U.S. eighth-grade students relative to students in other nations in 1999, as well as changes in achievement in participating nations between 1995 and 1999.
     Invited Commentary: Lessons From the Third International Mathematics and Science Study–Repeat
     By:Margaret B. Cozzens, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Colorado Institute of Technology, and Susan H. Fuhrman, Dean, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania (Co-Chairs of the U.S. TIMSS–R Technical Review Panel)
     Invited Commentary: TIMSS–R: Innovation in International Information for American Educators
     By:David P. Baker, Professor of Education and Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University
Elementary and Secondary Education
     Changes in High School Vocational Coursetaking in a Larger Perspective
     By:David Hurst and Lisa Hudson
     Looks at trends in vocational coursetaking among high school students, examining these trends in the light of labor market changes.
     Key Statistics on Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Agencies: School Year 1997–98
     By:Lee M. Hoffman
     Presents universe data on the organization, students, staff, and financial resources of public elementary and secondary education agencies and schools.
     Early Estimates of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Statistics: School Year 2000–2001
     By:Lena McDowell
     Provides current-year estimates of selected key statistics for public elementary and secondary schools.
     Monitoring School Quality: An Indicators Report
     By:Daniel P. Mayer, John E. Mullens, and Mary T. Moore
     Examines national indicator data on characteristics of schools, classrooms, and teachers that are most likely related to school quality and student learning.
     Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools: 1998–99
     By:Basmat Parsad, Rebecca Skinner, and Elizabeth Farris
     Discusses trends in the availability of computers and the Internet in private schools and related issues such as support for and instructional use of these resources. Includes selected comparisons with public schools.
     A Primer for Making Cost Adjustments in Education
     By:William J. Fowler, Jr., and David H. Monk
     Explores how cost adjustments for different geographic locations and for inflation might be applied to education costs.
Postsecondary Education
     Undergraduates Enrolled With Higher Sticker Prices
     By:John B. Lee
     Compares first-year undergraduates at 4-year institutions by the sticker price levels they faced. Discusses student characteristics, finances, reasons for attendance, academic differences, satisfaction, and persistence.
     From Bachelor’s Degree to Work: Major Field of Study and Employment Outcomes of 1992–93 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients Who Did Not Enroll in Graduate Education by 1997
     By:Laura J. Horn and Lisa Zahn
     Investigates the relationship between undergraduate major and early employment outcomes of college graduates who did not pursue graduate education within 4 years after earning their bachelor's degree.
     Degrees and Other Awards Conferred by Title IV Participating, Degree-Granting Institutions: 1997–98
     By:Frank B. Morgan
     Presents universe data on numbers of degrees conferred in the 50 states and District of Columbia by field of study, level and control of institution, level of degree, and race/ethnicity and gender of recipient.
Crosscutting Statistics
     Crosscutting Statistics
     By:Thomas D. Snyder and Charlene M. Hoffman
     Provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school.
Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities
Data Products
     Data File: CCD National Public Education Financial Survey: School Year 1997–1998
Other Publications
     The 1998 High School Transcript Study Tabulations: Comparative Data on Credits Earned and Demographics for 1998, 1994, 1990, 1987, and 1982 High School Graduates
     By:Eyal Blumstein, Nancy Caldwell, Jacqueline Haynes, Tom Krenzke, Judy Kuhn, Robert Perkins, Stephen Roey, Keith Rust, and Mark Waksberg
     The 1998 High School Transcript Study User's Guide and Technical Report
     By:Eyal Blumstein, Nancy Caldwell, Tom Krenzke, Stan Legum, Judy Kuhn, Stephen Roey, Keith Rust, Mark Waksberg, Laura Coombs, and Jacqueline Haynes
     Entering Kindergarten: A Portrait of American Children When They Begin School: Findings From The Condition of Education: 2000
     By:Nicholas Zill and Jerry West
     Highlights From the Third International Mathematics and Science Study–Repeat (TIMSS–R)
     By:Patrick Gonzales, Christopher Calsyn, Leslie Jocelyn, Kitty Mak, DavidÊ Kastberg, Sousan Arafeh, Trevor Williams, and Winnie Tsen
     Pocket Projections: Projections of Education Statistics to 2010
     By:William J. Hussar
Funding Opportunities
     The AERA Grants Program
     The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program

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