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EDSP Listserv

EPA created a listserver (Listserv) or "mailing group" to communicate information about EDSP peer reviews. A Listserv is an electronic mailing list that makes it possible to reach all individuals in a mailing group with a single e-mail message sent over the Internet.

Interested parties may sign up to receive periodic e-mail notifications announcing the availability of EDSP peer review materials, including information on the availability of peer review materials to be posted on this Web site. These materials may include the documents to be peer reviewed, background documents, the charge to the peer reviewers, and reports that summarize the results of peer reviews.

EPA may choose to use the Listserv to announce updates on other EDSP program components in the future. Prior to doing so, EPA will send a message to the current Listserv community announcing the expansion of its intended use to provide members the opportunity to unsubscribe should they no longer be interested in receiving updates.

To Subscribe

To subscribe to the EDSP Listserv send a blank email message to: join-edsp@lists.epa.gov from the email address where you would like to receive updates. Alternatively, you may visit the mailing list Web interface and click on the subscribe button beside the list you would like to join.

To Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe to the EDSP Listserv send a blank email message to: unsubscribe-edsp@lists.epa.gov from the email address where you currently receive updates. Alternatively, you may visit the mailing list Web interface and click on the unsubscribe button beside the list you would like to join.

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