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RSEI is screening-level modeling software that you can download for free and run on your computer. RSEI analyzes risk factors including the amount of chemical released, the fate and transport of the chemical, the route and extent of human exposure to the chemical, and the toxicity of the chemical to produce a risk-related numerical score which you can use to compare to other model results.

This page describes how to get the RSEI model; what is new in the latest version, and tips for dealing with known problems RSEI users have encountered.

How to Get the RSEI Model

The RSEI Version 2.2.0 (using 1996-2006 TRI reporting data) Installation Package includes the setup executable and the supporting information, including the Methodology, User's Manual, Toxicity Spreadsheet, and Technical Appendices. The downloadable version also contains a short document that describes appropriate uses of RSEI (which can also be found here). You can download the Installation Package using the link below, or order an installation CD.

System Requirements: 2 gigabytes of free hard disk space, and at least 512 megabytes of RAM. Users must also have Internet Explorer Version 3.0 or later installed on their computer to use the RSEI Help feature. Administration rights are required for correct installation.

Download the Installation Package

Order the Installation CD

You can also get the RSEI Version 2.2.0 Installation Package on CD-ROM from the TSCA Assistance Information Service at (202) 554-1404 or tsca-hotline@epa.gov.

What is New in Version 2.2.0

Each new version of RSEI incorporates the latest TRI data, as well as changes to the input data and the methodology used to process the data and present the results. The following changes were made in Version 2.2.0:

User Tips to Deal with Potential Problems

RSEI cannot find a data table
Users sometimes report errors that result from RSEI not being able to locate the appropriate data tables.  This error often arises from RSEI being installed while the user is logged into a local area network (LAN).  We recommend that you uninstall RSEI, log off of your LAN or disconnect network drives, then reinstall RSEI. If you have an earlier version of RSEI, we recommend you update to the current version.

Selections that produce zero facilities 
It is not unusual for users to report that a selection statement return no facilities or releases even though they know there are reports.  The most common reason for this error is a mismatch in the text.  For example, if you use lower case for state abbreviations (e.g. tx instead of TX), RSEI will return zero matches.  If you are unsure of what value you should put in a selection statement, use the “Help” feature or User's Manual (PDF) (184 pp, 1.7 MB, About PDF) to identify the appropriate data type (number, text, True/False) and format for that variable.

Users also sometimes use the incorrect any/all/none operator in a bracket statement.  For bracketed statements where the variable is the same, but the value changes (e.g. facility location.state is equal to TX; facility location.state is equal to LA), the appropriate operator is “any”.

Contact us if you encounter other errors or need assistance.


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