
University officials continue to monitor Swine Flu

FIU experts to discuss Swine Flu and epidemics in a Globalized world

Florida International University officials continue to monitor developments related to the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu). In addition, prevention information is posted throughout the campuses and faculty, staff and students who may be experiencing flu-like symptoms are encouraged to stay home and seek medical attention. More information is available from University Health Services.

A panel of FIU experts will meet at Noon on Friday May 8th to discuss issues surrounding the H1N1 virus, answer questions from the university community and analyze what the scientific community has learned from this outbreak.

The panel discussion will take place in the Graham Center East Ballroom at University Park. This event is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of International and Public Affairs, and FIU Human Resources and is free and open to the public.

Panelists include: Dr. Ken Murray, a virologist and Professor in the Department of Biology, Dr. Richard Olson, Chair of the Department of Politics and International Relations, and an expert in disaster research, response, and evaluation.

Dean of the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work Fernando Trevino recently answered questions from members of the university community on the Swine Flu and discussed simple prevention measures such as hand washing techniques.


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  • Gina said:

    Let is be known that there is NO need to use that much paper towel to wash one’s hands correctly. That was just an inconsiderate amount for the environment.

  • Gator Girl said:

    Great video. Thanks for taking the time to keep the FIU community informed. I like the piece of advice about singing a simple song (Happy Birthday, for instance) when washing your hands; I hadn’t ever heard that before. I’ll be teaching that to my first-grader tonight and remembering it myself next time I wash my hands.

  • Douglas said:

    Where the housing bubble and banking collapse mark the aftermath of financial deregulation, the Swine Flu is only one of several pathogens that now track neoliberalism’s effects on global health. Pro-corporate monopoly capitalism is responsible for this.

    Unfortunately, many health officials are not challenging this ridiculous economic system we have going.

    So don’t call it the Swine Flu. Call it the NAFTA flu.



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