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State Beneficial Use Programs

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Below is a table of information about specific state beneficial use programs. If the state you are looking for is not on this list, please see the Where You Live page on the EPA Wastes Web site. This page contains links to state pages pertaining to waste management, solid waste, or municipal solid waste.

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States Beneficial Use Sites
Arkansas Guidance for Determining Beneficial Use (PDF) (1 pp, 103K)
Connecticut Beneficial Use of Solid Waste Index
Florida Beneficial Uses of Waste
Indiana Non-Rule Policy Documents (Foundry Sand and Tire Chips)
Iowa Beneficial Use Determinations (PDF) (9 pp, 26K)
Kentucky Beneficial Reuse of Solid Waste (PDF) (7 pp, 44K)
Maine Chapter 400-Beneficial Use Definition (DOC)
Chapter 418-Beneficial Use Regulations (DOC)
Applications for Beneficial Use
Massachusetts Draft Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) Guidance, March 2004
Beneficial Use Determination Form
Minnesota Beneficial Use of Solid Waste Rule (Minnesota Rule 7035.2860)
Solid Waste Utilization Regulations
Land Application of Industrial By-Products
Mississippi Solid Waste Management
Regulations for the Beneficial Use of Non-hazardous Solid Waste
Beneficial Use Determination Form (PDF) (3 pp, 78K)
Nebraska Beneficial Use of Coal Combustion and Steel Manufacturing By-Products; and Other Similar Materials (PDF) (4 pp, 26K)
New Hampshire Certified Waste-Derived Products
Certification of Waste-Derived Products Env-SW (PDF) (19 pp, 109K)
New Jersey Beneficial Use Guidance
New York Beneficial Use Determination
North Dakota Developing Beneficial Use Rules for Coal Combustion Byproducts (2001) (PDF) (7 pp, 31K)
Ohio Beneficial Use Rules Package 
Management Directive: Division of Labor (PDF) (43 pp, 128K)
Evaluating Exempt Waste Uses at Solid Waste Facilities DSIWM Guidance 0609 (PDF) (5 pp, 202K)
Disposal and Beneficial Use of Construction and Demolition Debris Guidance #560 (PDF) (6 pp, 66K)
Beneficial Uses of Scrap Tires Guidance #671  (PDF) (2 pp, 19K)
Pennsylvania Beneficial Use Program 
Rhode Island Beneficial Use Guidelines (PDF) (6 pp, 44K)
Vermont Procedures for Addressing Acceptable Uses of Solid Waste (PDF) (5 pp, 25K) 
Virginia Reuse and Beneficial Use Determinations
Virginia Administrative Code Chapter 85 Coal Combustion Byproduct Regulations PDF) (11 pp, 116K)
Washington Beneficial Use Determination
Wisconsin Beneficial Use of Industrial Byproducts
Chapter NR 538 Beneficial Use of Industrial Byproducts (PDF) (14 pp, 116K)

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