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Information Exchange

Some of the links on this page take you to pages on the main Performance Track site. To return to the Member Services site, look for the "Member Services Site" link in the blue left-hand navigation bar.

A key benefit of membership in Performance Track is the ability to share information on best environmental practices with other firms and facilities. Browse the pages below to find valuable information, tips, and real-world experience from your peers.

Case Studies and Spotlights
(on main Performance Track site)
Learn about the innovative techniques and practices that Performance Track members are using to improve their environmental performance.
Teleseminar Series
Meet by telephone with other Performance Track members to learn and discuss topics of interest. Find notices here of upcoming teleseminars and summaries of past discussions.
Mentoring Program
(on main Performance Track site)
Performance Track's mentoring program connects potential and current members with top-performing facilities.
P-Track News
The program's monthly newsletter includes feature articles about how Performance Track members are improving their environmental performance.
Annual Members' Events
(on main Performance Track site)
Each year, Performance Track hosts a Members' Event where members gather for award ceremonies, panel discussions, and breakout sessions on topics important to Performance Track facilities and partners. The meetings are an opportunity for members to meet EPA staff, network with their colleagues, and learn about program developments.
Performance Track Participants Association Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Performance Track Participants Association, a nonprofit organization, provides a forum for corporations, trade associations and public entities dedicated to improving their environmental performance, and our nation's environment, through EPA's Performance Track program.


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