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EPA today named Epson Portland Inc., of Hillsboro, Ore., as the first company to meet the high standards for a charter member of the Agency's new National Environmental Performance Track, a program designed to motivate and reward environmental performance which exceeds traditional pollution control requirements. The companies accepted into the program are leading by example and modeling the way to environmental excellence, using a systematic approach to managing environmental responsibilities, taking extra steps to reduce and prevent pollution, and being good corporate neighbors. At the same time, such companies are saving money and improving productivity. As a charter member, Epson is eligible to receive special recognition in EPA publications and websites and regulatory benefits which will include streamlined reporting arrangements and more flexible procedures. EPA has received applications for charter membership from over 100 facilities. The application deadline is Sept. 30. Epson Portland Inc. is the sole U.S. manufacturing affiliate of Japan's Seiko-Epson Corp. Epson produces computer printer ink cartridges, circuit boards and computer related products. By the end of 1999, the company voluntarily had reduced landfill wastes by 60 percent, lowered air emissions by 75 percent and increased its recycling program. Further pollution prevention is planned and there is a commitment to use a "green" purchasing approach for its raw products. Epson has also applied to the Oregon Green Permits program and has a strong record of environmental compliance. Voluntary environmental efforts and a solid community relationship on environmental matters are hallmarks of the company. Further information is available on the Performance Track website.

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