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Public Meeting on ECOS Workgroup Recommendations

When: October 19, 2005, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: Hilton Chicago Hotel
720 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois

You are invited to a public meeting to discuss a unique and innovative partnership between the EPA and a number of state environmental agencies focused on improving the way strong environmental performers are recognized and rewarded. EPA and ECOS are convening this public meeting to present the preliminary results of and solicit feedback on our collaborative effort to strengthen EPA’s Performance Track Program and corresponding state environmental leadership programs.

Our effort seeks to identify, develop, and implement incentives for those facilities that are considered to be strong environmental performers and are members of state or federal performance-based environmental programs. We also hope to improve the ways that state and national programs work together.

Two workgroups were established to address issues related to these efforts.

The meeting on October 19 will include brief presentations on Performance Track and representative state programs, a discussion of the workgroups’ preliminary recommendations, and ample time for questions, answers, and comments. More information about the Performance Track and ECOS collaboration is available in the Description of Collaboration With the Environmental Council of the States Regarding National Environmental Performance Track and State Performance-Based Environmental Leadership Programs (PDF, 3 pp., 86K, about PDF) document.

We welcome your thoughts regarding the work of each group and look forward to meeting with you in Chicago. The workgroups’ preliminary recommendations also will be available in the public docket at http://docket.epa.gov/edkpub/do/EDKStaffCollectionDetailView?objectId=0b0007d4808cf8f5 prior to the meeting. You may submit written comments to the docket if you prefer and/or cannot attend the meeting.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please RSVP with your name, organization, and e-mail address to Sandy Seymour at sseymour@icfconsulting.com.

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