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Performance Track Celebrates Five Years of Environmental Leadership

National Environmental Performance Track - Celebrating Five Years of Environmental Leadership Five years old and more than 400 members strong, EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track program is leading the way toward a cleaner, safer environment. By encouraging industrial facilities across the nation to do more for the environment than is required by law, Performance Track has emerged as one of EPA ’s most recognized and effective performance-based programs.

Multimedia Presentation Available

Performance Track has prepared a multimedia presentation describing the program, highlighting its members' accomplishments, and celebrating its five-year anniversary. The presentation is available in Windows Media format.

Download the presentation (Windows Media file, 6.6 MB)

Performance Track members include facilities from virtually all manufacturing sectors, including those from leading corporations such as Rockwell Collins, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed Martin, and more. Public-sector facilities from major government agencies such as the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense also participate. Collectively, Performance Track members have reduced their water use by about 1.9 billion gallons, conserved close to 9,000 acres of land, and increased their use of recycled materials by approximately 120,000 tons. Individually, many members have achieved impressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, landfill waste, and energy consumption. Details on the results of specific members can be found in the online directory of members. A report on members’ accomplishments during the first five years of Performance Track is slated to be released in the first quarter of 2007.

“Performance Track members are at the forefront of innovation and environmental stewardship, fundamentally strengthening the relationship between business and government,” said EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. “These facilities demonstrate on a daily basis that economic prosperity and environmental protection can go hand in hand.”

The benefits of Performance Track go beyond cleaner air, water, and soil. First, Performance Track allows EPA and state regulators to maximize their resources, because members’ demonstrated commitment to environmental excellence, when combined with EPA’s ongoing oversight, mean Performance Track facilities can be considered a lower priority for routine inspections. Second, the recognition afforded to Performance Track members shines a spotlight on each facility’s environmental performance, encouraging them to live up to and exceed public expectations. Third, Performance Track members reach out to their local communities to identify and respond to concerns and to keep community members informed of their environmental performance. Finally, Performance Track members regularly share their knowledge and experience with other members and nonmembers, promoting the wider adoption of environmental best practices.

The value of these benefits is increasingly recognized at both the state and national levels. Many states now have their own performance-based environmental programs, and Performance Track was one of only 13 federal programs to be recognized in 2006 as a top-50 Innovation in American Government by the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.

For more information about Performance Track, including membership information, visit the Basic Information page. A list of frequently asked questions is also available.

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