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EPA and many non-governmental organizations, trade groups, and companies collect and share information on techniques and tools for improving a facility's noise management. The links provided below highlight useful sources of information.

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  • dBA
Disclaimer: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides this information as a free and open service to the public. EPA does not endorse any company or product identified on this or any subsequent pages listed herein, and makes no claims regarding the accuracy, validity, or effectiveness of this or any other product or service represented by these data.

If you would like to suggest additional resources to feature on this website, please email a description of the site (including what topics the site addresses) and the URL to hamilton.luctrician@epa.gov.

Appendix A of OSHA Standard 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure Computation Exit disclaimer presents measurement techniques for noise dose and 8 hour time-weighted average (TWA), as well as conversion factors. Appendix G Exit disclaimer includes information about how to measure noise levels and what kind of technical equipment and expertise is required.

Section III, Chapter 5 of OSHA's Technical Manual TED 1-0.15A Exit disclaimer presents detailed technical information about noise-measuring devices.

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