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Wastes > Waste Generation
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Hazardous waste management begins with regulating the generation of waste. Hazardous waste generators include manufacturing plants, businesses, universities and labs. Under EPA regulations, generators are responsible for determining whether their waste is hazardous and accounting for the final disposal of their waste. Generators are regulated according to the amount of waste they produce. In order to reduce the amount of waste that is produced, the EPA encourages the adoption of waste minimization practices. The Agency also promotes the development of new methods for recycling waste.

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Browse these EPA Waste Generation subtopics
Animal Waste

Hazardous Waste
Hazard Ranking System (HRS), Hazardous Waste Disposal, Hazardous Waste Generation, Hazardous Waste Identification, Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Recycling, Hazardous Waste Site, Hazardous Waste Storage, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Household Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Site, Site Inspection, Universal Waste

Liquid Waste
Used Oil

Medical Waste

Mineral Waste

Radioactive Waste
High Level Waste, Low Level Waste, Mixed Waste, Spent Fuel, Transuranic Waste, Uranium Mill Tailings

Risk Assessment

Solid Waste - Nonhazardous
Composting, Food Waste, Household Waste, Municipal Solid Waste, Sewage Sludge

Waste Disposal
Injection Well, Land Disposal Restrictions, Landfills, Municipal Landfills

Check! Waste Generation
Conditionally Exempt Generator, Generators

Waste Legal Aspects
Compliance, Enforcement, Export, Guidance, Import, Legislation, Permits, Regulations, Reporting, Standards

Waste Storage

Waste Transportation
Radioactive Material Transport, Transporters

Waste Treatment
Combustion, Land Treatment, Natural Attenuation, Remediation, Risk Assessment, Testing, Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities

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