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Research subtopics Alphabetical List of All Topics

EPA conducts leading-edge research and fosters the sound use of science and technology to fulfill its mission to protect human health and safeguard the environment. The Agency's goal is to develop and apply the best available science to address current and future environmental hazards, as well as new approaches toward improving environmental protection. EPA's research program advances our understanding of environmental processes, human health and ecological impacts. This understanding enhances our capability to respond to and solve environmental problems. The EPA maintains a number of research facilities throughout the United States.

Recommended EPA Web pages

  • Office of Research and Development
    The Office of Research and Development is the principal scientific and research arm of the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • National Research Programs
    This site provides information about the national research programs in EPA's Office of Research and Development, the research arm of the Agency.
  • Libraries
    Links to the EPA libraries.
List more recommended EPA Research web pages
Browse these EPA Research subtopics
Future Science


Air Models, Emission Factor Models, Exposure Assessment Models, Livestock Analysis Models, Mass Balance Models, Multimedia Integrated Models, Risk Models, Water Models

Biomonitoring, Monitoring Stations, Monitoring Wells, Remote Sensing, Sampling

Research Grants

Research Plan

Research Publications

Risk Assessment

Technology Transfer

Test Methods
Drinking Water Methods, Marine Water Methods

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