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Pollution Prevention > Transportation Alternatives
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The EPA, working with other federal agencies and state and local authorities, fosters the development of programs and incentives with the combined goals of reducing vehicular emissions, decreasing traffic congestion and improving air quality. The EPA provides state and local air quality regulators and transportation planners with access to statistical information on transportation trends and mobile source pollution. The Agency examines the full economic and environmental costs of automobiles, from their manufacture and use to their disposal. Promoting the voluntary implementation of employer-subsidized public transportation benefits, car pooling programs, and telecommuting are also part of the EPA's program to reduce pollution through the development of transportation alternatives.

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Browse these EPA Transportation Alternatives subtopics
Best Management Practices


Alternative Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy, Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Wind Power

Pollution Prevention Programs

Batteries, Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs), Compost, Electronics, Glass, Paper, Plastics, Refrigerant Recycling, Tires, Used Oil

Smart Growth

Sustainable Development

Check! Transportation Alternatives
Biking, Ride Sharing, Transportation Control Measures

Voluntary Partnerships

Waste Reduction
Refrigerant Recovery, Source Reduction, Waste Exchanges, Waste Minimization

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