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Human Health > Advisories
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Advisories are non-regulatory documents that communicate risk information to the public and to authorities who may have to make risk management decisions. The EPA administers a variety of advisory committees which consider policy issues and provide recommendations for regulatory and non-regulatory actions. Advisories are intended to serve as warning about levels of contaminants that can cause harm to human health and the environment. The EPA issues advisories on drinking water, beaches, fish and wildlife consumption and air quality.

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Browse these EPA Advisories subtopics
Check! Advisories
Drinking Water Advisories, Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories, Swimming Advisories

Children's Health
School Environments

Acute Exposure, Cumulative Exposure, Dermal Exposure, Dietary Exposure, Exposure Assessment, Exposure Route, Threshold Level

Food Safety
Irradiated Food

Health Assessment

Health Effects
Asthma, Genetic Damage, Respiratory Disease

Health Risk
Dietary Risk Evaluation

Occupational Health
Worker Protection, Worker Safety

Seniors' Health
Aging Initiative

Sun Protection

Chronic Toxicity, Dermal Toxicity, Toxicological Profile

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