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Coordination with State Programs

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Coordination of Performance Track With State Performance-Based Programs

Performance Track is making a concerted effort to coordinate with states and support them as they develop and implement performance-based programs. We have increased and improved communications with our state partners and continue to work together to identify ways to streamline and facilitate our program application and reporting processes. We are actively seeking ways to reduce the administrative burdens placed on our members as well as to develop and deliver incentives that are meaningful to them. EPA has signed Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) with a number of states to document our intention to work together to recognize drive environmental excellence. EPA does not require an MOA with a state as a prerequisite for collaborating with a state on joint implementation activities.

Comparison tools are available to compare criteria for Performance Track and selected state programs.

The Performance Track State Alignment Summary in Performance Track's regularly updated State Program Database provides an overview of efforts to align application and reporting forms, application and reporting periods, and other program elements between state performance-based environmental programs and EPA's Performance Track program.

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