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Performance Track provides members with a range of opportunities to share information about innovative approaches and leading practices. The Mentoring Program and Teleseminar series are program initiatives that are central to promoting information exchange and leadership practices within Performance Track.

EPA Annual Members' Event - EPA hosts an annual event to recognize the accomplishments of all Performance Track members and partners, and to provide networking opportunities with EPA officials and fellow Performance Track members. At the event, new members have the opportunity to meet and be photographed with the EPA Administrator or other high-ranking officials.

Regional Roundtables - Performance Track staff in EPA's 10 regional offices coordinate roundtables at various times throughout the year to give members the opportunity to share leading practices and meet with regional EPA officials. If you are interested in having a roundtable in your region, please contact your regional Performance Track coordinator.

Teleseminars - Teleseminars, presented by members and outside experts, feature leadership practices in environmental management and related disciplines that can help you improve or modify your own operations. These bimonthly seminars also give EPA an opportunity to inform Performance Track members about other innovative EPA programs. Teleseminars are announced via email, in P-Track News, and on the Performance Track Member Services website.

Stakeholder Engagement - Performance Track is committed to working with environmental experts from industry, government, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to identify program challenges and areas that need increased focus and attention. Please visit the Stakeholder Engagement page for more information on EPA meetings with key stakeholder groups.

Access to EPA Meetings - Performance Track managers members are invited to participate in meetings with key EPA program office officials to discuss ideas for potential future incentives and other program issues.

Joint Workshops with Performance Track Partners - Performance Track also collaborates with interested program partners to host events at conferences. For example, the Wildlife Habitat Council and Performance Track have jointly hosted a workshop on habitat restoration.

The Performance Track Participants' Association - The Performance Track Participants Association (PTPA), a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization started by a group of Performance Track members, provides a forum for corporations, trade associations and public entities dedicated to improving their environmental performance, and our nation's environment, through EPA's Performance Track program. For more information, visit the PTPA website Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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