ESEA Title I LEA Allocations—FY 2004 (Revised 10/01/2004)
Archived Information

Title I, the largest elementary and secondary education program, supplements State and local funding for low-achieving children, especially in high-poverty schools. The program finances the additional academic support and learning opportunities that are often required to help disadvantaged students progress along with their classmates.

These tables, which are organized by State, show each LEA's:

Please note that the data on these tables are for information purposes only and do not constitute any binding agreement on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education.

To see the Federal Title I allocation for your school district, scroll down the following list to your State, select a file format and click on its icon. When the State file opens, scroll down the list of LEAs to find yours.

To read Portable Document Files (PDF) you will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader; if you do not have Acrobat you can download a free copy from Adobe. EXCEL files are provided for those who have Microsoft EXCEL software.

State File Format
Alabama PDF [14K] EXCEL [36K]
Alaska PDF [10K] EXCEL[25K]
Arizona PDF [19K] EXCEL [47K]
Arkansas PDF [22K] EXCEL [58K]
California PDF [55K] EXCEL [141K]
Colorado PDF [17K] EXCEL [39k]
Connecticut PDF [23K] EXCEL [39L]
Delaware PDF [8K] EXCEL [20K]
District of Columbia PDF [7K] EXCEL [18K]
Florida PDF [11K] EXCEL [27K]
Georgia PDF [17K] EXCEL [42K]
Hawaii PDF [8K] EXCEL [18K]
Idaho PDF [13K] EXCEL [33K]
Illinois PDF [51K] EXCEL [139K]
Indiana PDF [22K] EXCEL [57K]
Iowa PDF [26K] EXCEL [69K]
Kansas PDF [22K] EXCEL [53K]
Kentucky PDF [16K] EXCEL[42K]
Louisiana PDF [10K] EXCEL [26K]
Maine PDF [21K] EXCEL [50K]
Maryland PDF [8K] EXCEL [21K]
Massachusetts PDF [21K] EXCEL [50K]
Michigan PDF [35K] EXCEL [90K]
Minnesota PDF [24K] EXCEL [57K]
Mississippi PDF [13K] EXCEL [37K]
Missouri PDF [33K] EXCEL [83K]
Montana PDF [27K] EXCEL [71K]
Nebraska PDF [31K] EXCEL [81K]
Nevada PDF [8K] EXCEL [20K]
New Hampshire PDF [16K] EXCEL [39K]
New Jersey PDF [34K] EXCEL [84K]
New Mexico PDF [12K] EXCEL [29K]
New York PDF [42K] EXCEL [112K]
North Carolina PDF [13K] EXCEL [33K]
North Dakota PDF [18K] EXCEL [47K]
Ohio PDF [37K] EXCEL [99K]
Oklahoma PDF [32K] EXCEL [79K]
Oregon PDF [17K] EXCEL [44K]
Pennsylvania PDF [32K] EXCEL [85K]
Puerto Rico PDF [7K] EXCEL [18K]
Rhode Island PDF [10K] EXCEL [22K]
South Carolina PDF [12K] EXCEL [29K]
South Dakota PDF [17K] EXCEL [38K]
Tennessee PDF [14K] EXCEL [36K]
Texas PDF [58K] EXCEL [162K]
Utah PDF [10K] EXCEL [23K]
Vermont PDF [19K] EXCEL [50K]
Virginia PDF [23K] EXCEL [36K]
Washington PDF [21K] EXCEL [51K]
West Virginia PDF [10K] EXCEL [25K]
Wisconsin PDF [28K] EXCEL [66K]
Wyoming PDF [10K] EXCEL [24K]

FY 2004 Title I Allocations: Actual amounts received by LEAs will be smaller than shown here due to State-level adjustments to Federal Title I allocations. States adjust allocations, for example, to reflect LEA boundary changes or the creation of new LEAs, including charter school LEAs, that are not accounted for in the Department's calculations. States also are permitted to reserve up to 1 percent of allocations for administration and generally must reserve 4 percent in fiscal year 2004 (up from 2 percent in previous years) for school improvement activities. These adjustments will reduce the actual amounts available under all three columns of the table.

Choice-Related Transportation and Supplemental Educational Services:An LEA must use up to an amount equal to 20 percent of its Title I, Part A allocation (the "20-percent reservation") received from the State to cover choice-related transportation costs for students who exercise a choice option and to pay for supplemental educational services for students whose parents request such services. The 20-percent reservation may include Title I, Part A funds or funding from other Federal, State, local, and private sources. The amount shown in this column is the Department's estimate of the amount that affected LEAs—those with schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring—may have to spend to meet this requirement. Actual expenditures will depend on such factors as the number of students exercising a choice option or receiving supplemental educational services and the costs of satisfying these requests. An LEA has discretion to determine the allocation of these funds between choice-related transportation and supplemental educational services, except that it must spend at least one-quarter of the 20-percent reservation—or an amount equal to 5 percent of its Title I, Part A allocation—on each activity if there is demand for both from students and their parents.

Maximum Per-Child Expenditure for Supplemental Educational Services:An LEA that must arrange for supplemental educational services is required to pay, for each child receiving services, the lesser of the actual cost of the services or an amount equal to the LEA's Title I, Part A allocation received from the State divided by the number of poor students in the LEA, as determined by estimates produced by the US Bureau of the Census. Thus the amount shown in this column reflects the statutory "cap" on per-child expenditures for supplemental educational services.

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Last Modified: 07/11/2006