OSDFS: Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
Current Section  Programs/Initiatives

Thank you for visiting the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools program webpage. Our mission is creating safe schools, responding to crises, drug abuse and violence prevention, ensuring the health and well being of students and promoting development of good character and citizenship. Below is a listing of programs administered by OSDFS, and a link to the SDFSC Advisory Committee.

Health, Mental Health, Environmental Health, and Physical Education
Drug-Violence Prevention - State Programs
Drug-Violence Prevention - National Programs
Character and Civic Education
Policy and Cross-Cutting Programs
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee

Health, Mental Health, Environmental Health, and Physical Education programs

The Health, Mental Health, Environmental Health, and Physical Education (HMHEHPE) group administers programs that promote the health and well being of students and families as outlined in Title V, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 authorized by the America's Schools Act of 1994. These Health Programs provide financial assistance for activities that promote the health and well being of students in elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Activities may be carried out by state and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations. Specifically, the group has lead responsibility for the following programs:

Drug-Violence Prevention - State Programs


The Drug-Violence Prevention (DVP) State Programs group administers State and local educational formula programs authorized under Title IV, Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Programs authorized under this legislation provide financial assistance for state and local drug and violence prevention activities in elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Activities may be carried out by state and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations. Specifically, the group has lead responsibility for the Safe and Drug-Free Schools State Programs:


Drug-Violence Prevention - National Programs

The Drug-Violence Prevention (DVP) National Programs group administers discretionary grants and other programs related to developing and maintaining safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools. Programs authorized under Title IV, SDFSCA of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 provide financial assistance for drug and violence prevention activities in elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Activities may be carried out by state and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations. Specifically, the group has lead responsibility for the Safe and Drug-Free Schools National Programs:


Character and Civic Education

The Character and Civic Education (CCE) group administers programs in character and civics education, including providing financial assistance for character and citizenship education activities in elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education, and reporting on issues and programs, disseminating information, and providing technical assistance to state agencies and state and local correctional institutions. These activities may be carried out by state and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations. Specifically, the group has lead responsibility for the following programs:


Policy and Cross-Cutting Programs

This group administers certain discretionary grant initiatives authorized by Title IV, SDFSCA National Programs, including programs that emphasize coordinated, collaborative responses to developing and maintaining safe, disciplined, and drug-free learning environments. Programs authorized provide financial assistance for drug and violence prevention to local educational agencies and their partners. Activities may be carried out by local educational agencies in partnership with local law enforcement officials, local mental health service providers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians and other first responders.

Specifically, the group has lead responsibility for the following programs:

Staff also implement several other provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. These provisions are consistent with the office's mission to support the creation of safe, disciplined, drug-free and healthy learning environments for students, and include:


Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee

The SDFSC Advisory Committee, authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act, was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. The Committee was established to provide advice to the Secretary on Federal, state, and local programs designated to create safe and drug-free schools, and on issues related to crisis planning. As outlined in section 4124(a), the Committee will consult with, and provide advice to, the Secretary for the programs listed in section 4124(b) that are already carried out by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The Advisory Committee focused on three issues: the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants Program, the Unsafe School Choice Option, and requirements for data under No Child Left Behind. The Advisory Commitee is made up of representatives from Federal Agencies and private citizens who have high levels of expertise and experience in the areas of drug, alcohol and violence prevention; safe schools; mental health research and crisis planning.

OSDFS programs can also be found in a list with descriptions.


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Last Modified: 02/03/2009