U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Information on an ArcView Extension for use with PLGR

This extension was provided by Todd Sutherland, at the Windom Wetland Management District.  It is an alternative to the Avewnue scripts provided by Dav Everson of NCTC.  This extension does convert directly to a shapefile, and does not include all the fields from the PLGR data files.  It does not include the conversion of the points to a line or polygon. You may wish to use both this extension and some of the scripts.

Download a zipped file containing the extension and documentation: PLGR.ZIP

Overview: The PLGR extension for ArcView adds a new menu to the View GUI named PLGR. This menu contains 4 commands which are useful when working with PLGR data: converting PLRG data to shapefile format, converting UTM zones,  calculating acres, and summarizing acreages.

NOTE: Please view the README file for information on using the PLGR extension.

Assuming your installed ArcView using the default settings, save the PLGR.AVX file in the following location:

1. Open ArcView and click the File menu.
2. Click on Extensions...
3. Scroll down until you find the PLGR extension and click in the box next to it.
4. Click OK. The PLGR extension will now be loaded. It adds a new menu named PLGR to the View GUI.

HOT TIP.....If you want the PLGR extension to load automatically each time you launch ArcView, save the attached file in the following location:

Todd Sutherland
Document created on: 7/8/99

Extension: PLGR Creator: Todd W. Sutherland (USFWS) Date: 7/8/99 Version: 2.0 File Name: PLGR.AVX

Overview: The PLGR extension for ArcView adds a new menu to the View GUI named PLGR. This menu contains 4 commands which are useful when working with PLGR and other GIS data.

Example: You collect data using the PLGR in a National Wildlife Refuge that straddles 2 UTM zones. Once you download your data to your PC using the Windows' HyperTerminal program, you can very easily import your data into an ArcView shapefile using the Import PLGR to Shapefile command. To convert these points into one common UTM zone use the UTM Zone Converter command. See description below for specifics on using these 2 commands.

Menu: PLGR

Command: Import PLGR Data to Shapefile...

Description: This command allows you to import raw PLGR text files to an ArcView shapefile. It is not necessary to modify the PLGR text file after downloading the data from the PLGR unit using Hyperterminal. The following fields are preserved from a PLGR file recorded in UTM: WP, FORMAT, ZONE, XCOORD, YCOORD. The following fields are preserved from a PLGR file recorded in Geographic: WP, FORMAT, XCOORD, YCOORD

Requires: You must know what units your PLGR data are in before using this command.

Menu: PLGR

Command: UTM Zone Converter...

Description: This command allows you to convert (project) themes from one UTM zone to another for all active themes. If selected features exist, then only the selected records will be exported into a new theme. This command assumes the input themes are in UTM. This command works on all shapefile themes, not just PLGR generated shapefile themes. This command does not project themes which are in decimal degrees.

Requires: You must know the correct datum for your input themes. All input themes must be in the same zone and datum.

NOTE: The UTM Zone Converter command is designed to work with all 60 UTM zones for both the NAD27 and NAD83 datums, however testing was not conducted on every zone. Testing was done on NAD83 data for conversion between UTM zones 14 & 15. Report any possible errors to Todd Sutherland at the following email address: todd_sutherland@fws.gov

Menu: PLGR

Command: Calculate Acres, etc...

Description: Calculates acres and perimeter in feet for features in all active polygon themes. Adds 2 new fields: ACRES, PER_FT Conversion factors used are:

Acres = square meters X 0.000247104393046 Per_Ft = meters X 3.2808

Calculates length in feet for line themes. Adds 1 new field: LNGTH_Ft

Lngth_ft = meters X 3.2808

Requires: At least one active feature theme.

Menu: PLGR

Command: Summarize Acreage

Description: Summarizes the acreage of selected polygon features and reports the total acreage in a message box.

Requires: At least one active feature theme with a field named "ACRES" in in the table.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Chris Lett, in the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management, at Chris_Lett@fws.gov

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Keywords=GIS, data, PLGR, elevation
Last Modified January 08, 2001 12:33 PM