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WaterSense Product Certification

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EPA requires all products bearing the WaterSense label to be independently certified. This certification provides consumers with confidence in both the water efficiency and performance of WaterSense labeled products.

To ensure that WaterSense labeled products meet specific efficiency and performance criteria, EPA has released its final WaterSense product certification system (PDF) (14 pp, 91K). This certification system outlines the process and procedures for the product certification and will supersede the interim certification process outlined in Appendix A of the program guidelines (PDF) (42 pp, 283K).

The WaterSense product certification system becomes effective on April 1, 2009, although EPA will be transitioning from the interim certification process through April 1, 2010. Certifying bodies not currently licensed by EPA should be accredited directly to these requirements.

What does this transition mean for you?


Consumers should see no noticeable change. Products will still be certified by an independent third-party certifying body, only now EPA can:

  • Ensure consistent application of its minimum product certification requirements.
  • Establish uniformity in the certifying body accreditation process, while making the process open to all qualified accreditation organizations.
  • Provide fully transparent criteria for product certification and the accreditation of product certifying bodies.

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Beginning April 1, 2010 manufacturers will have to obtain all WaterSense related product certifications from an EPA licensed certifying body that is accredited to provide certification services for WaterSense. EPA will post an updated list of its certifying bodies as they are licensed under the final certification system.

EPA anticipates that all of its current licensed certifying bodies will obtain this accreditation for WaterSense. If, for any unforeseen reason, a licensed certifying body chooses not to seek accreditation, EPA will work with the affected manufacturers to transition their certifications to another licensed certifying body.

For manufacturers with existing WaterSense product certifications, this transition should require very little operational change.

EPA does not require notice from its manufacturer partners for this transition unless the manufacturer switches its product certifications to another licensed certifying body. If this is the case, please notify the WaterSense Helpline and fill out and submit a new certified product notification form with the updated certification information.

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Certifying Body

Effective April 1, 2009, certifying bodies not currently licensed by EPA should be accredited directly to the final WaterSense product certification system (PDF) (14 pp, 91K) requirements. EPA will post a list of accreditation bodies to begin this process.

EPA has built in some transition time for those licensed certifying bodies currently offering certification services for WaterSense. They may continue to operate according to the interim certification process, but between now and April 1, 2010, will have to transition to and obtain accreditation in accordance with the final certification system. To be licensed, for a particular product specification, certifying bodies must extend their scope of accreditation for each WaterSense product specification.

Upon accreditation, please contact the WaterSense Helpline for application procedures and to obtain a copy of the licensing agreement.

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Accreditation Body

EPA has opened up the application process for all accreditation bodies interested in providing services for WaterSense. Any accreditation body meeting the final application and approval criteria may apply at any time.

To qualify under the transitional criteria, accreditation bodies must submit an application to EPA no later than April 30, 2009, and show continual progress toward meeting the final application and approval criteria. All accreditation bodies must meet the final application and approval criteria by April 1, 2011.

To apply either under the final or transitional application and approval process, please submit an application letter to the WaterSense Helpline, as described in the product certification system (PDF) (14 pp, 91K).

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Technical Information

Are you a manufacturer or other party interested in finding out more about the development of the final WaterSense product certification system? To learn more about the certification process, including the proposed draft certification scheme, public response to the draft requirements, and EPA's response to the public comments, please see:

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