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Water-Efficient Landscapes Start with Certified Irrigation Professionals

WaterSense, a program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is dedicated to improving national water efficiency. This voluntary, public-private partnership program seeks to help homeowners and businesses improve water efficiency and reduce costs by promoting efficient irrigation technologies, as well as water-efficient products for the home and garden.

Having a beautiful landscape doesn’t have to mean wasting water or money. WaterSense aims to take some of the guesswork out of watering your yard by making it easy to find water-efficient tech­nologies and services. As part of this goal, WaterSense recognizes professional certification programs that advance water-efficient irri­gation techniques and practices.

WaterSense makes it easy to find water-efficient products and services. If you’re looking for an irrigation system designer, installation/maintenance specialist, and or auditor for your landscape water­ing system, ask if he or she is a WaterSense partner, to ensure he or she has received instruction and testing on water-efficient techniques and practices.

Individuals who have successfully completed WaterSense labeled certification programs must demonstrate profession­al competency in water-efficient irrigation practices. WaterSense labeled certification programs:

  • Verify professional proficiency in water-efficient irrigation system design, performance audits, and installation and maintenance.
  • Test designers, installation/maintenance professionals, and/or auditors on their water efficiency knowledge through examinations.
  • Certify only experienced irrigation system designers and installation/ maintenance professionals.
  • Require independent oversight.
  • Require that professionals periodically renew their certification to demonstrate awareness of recent technology and innovations.

Consulting an irrigation professional certified through a WaterSense labeled program can save water, time, and money. Ask your irrigation professional about the types of water-saving technology, such as weather-based irrigation controllers and moisture sensors, available for your outdoor watering system. Even more important, conducting regular checks and maintenance of your system will ensure ongoing water efficiency. A certified irrigation professional with proven knowledge of water-efficient technologies and practices can help you design, test, and maintain an effective watering system for your yard and garden.

Don’t let an inefficient irrigation system control your water bill!

Did you know that 30 percent of the water used by the average American household is devoted to outdoor water use? And in some parts of the country, homeowners use as much as 70 percent of their water outdoors. Some experts estimate that more than 50 percent of landscape water use goes to waste due to evaporation or runoff caused by overwatering!

Following are some simple tips for homeowners to reduce their outdoor water use dramatically:

  • Using weather-based irrigation scheduling on a moderate-sized yard can save up to 37 gallons of water per day.
  • The best time to water your yard is early morning, when winds are calm and temperatures are cool.
  • Grass doesn’t need to be watered every day; make sure your lawn really needs it before irrigating. If you can stick a screwdriver into your lawn easily—don’t water!
  • Irrigation system maintenance varies depending on the system, but it is always a good idea to inspect your system monthly to prevent leaks, broken or clogged heads, and other problems.
  • Using native plants that are adapted to your climate and require less watering can reduce outdoor water use by 20 to 50 percent.

This document is also available in PDF (4 pp, 639K, About PDF).


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