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Pollution Prevention Information Network Grants Program - Request for Proposals for FY 2006


Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY TITLE: Pollution Prevention Information Network Grants: Request for Proposals 2006




Dates: The closing date and time for receipt of proposals is July 28, 2006, 6 PM Eastern Daylight Time. (See Section IV Part C for further information.)


I. Funding Opportunity Description.

Under the authority of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, approximately $700,000 will be available to support grants to States, Tribes, and Intertribal Consortia in FY 2006 for programs to promote the use of successful source reduction techniques by businesses . These grants are intended to make available information about source reduction opportunities, often referred to as "pollution prevention". The information on pollution prevention could include: providing technical assistance advice, assistance in developing plans for prevention activities or providing training in pollution prevention techniques. Increasing the efficiency of pollution prevention information systems has become a focus for this grant program to ensure that P2 information is available to all facilities, businesses or technical assistance providers. EPA has established a network of regional P2 information centers to collaboratively develop and disseminate P2 information and provide training in P2 approaches. These Regional P2 centers are known as Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) centers and utilize Internet resources to reach a broad audience. Further information about past successful grantees can be found at www.p2rx.org.

A. Introduction

This announcement describes the process by which EPA will award grants under the Pollution Prevention Information Network Grants Program (Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-508) Section 6605; 40 CFR 35.340 and 40 CFR 35.660). Applicants should carefully read through this announcement as it provides important information on the goals of the program, threshold requirements for proposals, the submittal process, deadlines, evaluation criteria, award selection and instructions for grant reporting.

B. Program History

EPA has awarded Pollution Prevention Information Network grants since 1997. EPA started this grant program with the intention of improving: 1) coordination of pollution prevention (P2) information collection, 2) synthesis and selection of the best P2 information to support state and local P2 technical assistance providers, and 3) communication among P2 information developers. In 2004, an independent evaluation (by an EPA contractor) of the PPIN grant program concluded that "P2Rx centers have developed an effective national network to share and build their collective information and resources. This is the first important step in increasing nationwide awareness and implementation of pollution prevention techniques."

Currently, this grant program supports eight regional P2 information centers. The current PPIN grantees have formed a group called the "Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange" (P2Rx). More information about the P2Rx centers can be found on the Internet at: http://www.p2rx.org. These grantees provide peer-reviewed P2 and source reduction information to State and local governments, tribes and businesses and collaborate to reduce duplicative efforts among state and local governments. Current grantees make pollution prevention information easily accessible and widely available using Web sites, meetings, and workshops. EPA regional P2 staff generally supported the regional P2 information centers in their mission to collect, review and make available the best information to promote pollution prevention to both technical assistance providers and the entities that implement pollution prevention practices. EPA noted that it is important for the P2Rx centers to develop environmental outcomes that can be related to their grant activities.

C. Statutory Authority

Awards under this solicitation will be made under the authority of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, (the Act) (Pub. L. 101-508) which established as national policy that pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible. Specifically, section 6605 of the Act and 40 CFR 35.340 and 35.660 authorize EPA to award grants to States, State entities, i.e., colleges and universities, Federally-recognized Tribes and Intertribal Consortia for projects that promote the use of pollution prevention/source reduction techniques by businesses.

D. Definition of Source Reduction and Pollution Prevention. For purposes of this grant announcement, pollution prevention/source reduction is defined as any practice which:

  1. Reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment or disposal;
  2.  Reduces the hazards to public health and the environment associated with the release of such substances, pollutants, or contaminants; and
  3. Reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants through:
    1. increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other resources; or
    2. protection of natural resources by conservation.

    Pollution prevention/source reduction does not include any practice which alters the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the volume of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant through a process or activity which itself is not integral to and necessary for the production of a product or the providing of a service. (See PPA § 6603 and 40 CFR §§ 35.343 and 35.662.)

E. Purpose of Grants Under the Act. Section 6605 of the Act and 40 CFR 35.342 and 35.661 authorize EPA to make matching grants to states and tribes to promote the use of source reduction techniques by businesses. In evaluating grant proposals, the Act and regulations direct EPA to consider, among other things, whether the proposed state or tribal program will:

  1. Make specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses seeking assistance and to assist in the development of source reduction plans;
  2. Target assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; and
  3. Provide training in source reduction techniques.

F. Alignment with EPA Environmental Results Policy

Pursuant to EPA Order 5700.7, "Environmental Results under EPA Assistance Agreements," EPA requires that grant applicants and recipients adequately address environmental outputs and outcomes. Outputs and outcomes differ both in their nature and in how they are measured. Applicants must discuss environmental outputs and outcomes in their proposal.

1) Outputs. The term "output", as defined by the Agency, refers to an environmental activity or effort and associated work product related to an environmental goal or objective that will be produced or provided over a period of time or by a specified date. Outputs may be quantitative or qualitative, but must be measurable during the assistance agreement funding period.

Expected outputs of the awards to be made under this announcement include, but are not limited to, the following: a collection of P2 information on P2 technologies and proposals; a list of resources or technical assistance contacts for P2 technical assistance; training in P2 approaches or planning; a collection of case study information demonstrating pollution prevention benefits and approaches; quantification of the impact of pollution prevention activities on the environment; development of educational materials; or needs assessments. Grant recipients are required to submit to EPA status reports about their progress achieving outputs once the project is implemented.

2) Outcomes. The term "outcome" means the result, effect or consequence that will occur from carrying out an environmental program or activity that is related to an environmental or programmatic goal or objective. Outcomes may be environmental, behavioral, health-related or programmatic in nature, but must be quantitative. Outcomes may not necessarily be achievable during the project period.

Outcomes may be classified as short-, medium-, and long-term. Short-term outcomes include increased learning, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and motivation and must occur during the project period. Medium-term outcomes include decisions, actions, practices, and behavior, which are the foundations of pollution prevention and environmental stewardship. Long-term outcomes include reduced levels of pollution generated due to implementation of P2 practices. These long-term outcomes may occur after the project closes. Examples of environmental outcomes from the projects to be funded under this announcement include, but are not limited to, the following: increased understanding of the environmental or economic effectiveness of P2 technologies; acceptance of P2 practices and technologies by businesses; conservation of natural resources and reporting of water or energy conserved resulting from adopting P2 practices.

G. Alignment with the EPA Strategic Plan

All proposals and awards must support progress towards EPA Strategic Goal 5: Compliance and Environmental Stewardship, Objective 5.2: Improve Environmental Performance through Pollution Prevention and Innovation. Under objective 5.2 there are two sub-objectives that are relevant to awards to be made under this announcement: sub-objective 5.2.1, prevent pollution and promote environmental stewardship by government and the public, and sub-objective 5.2.2, prevention pollution and promote environmental stewardship by small businesses. Recipients of these grants must support EPA's strategic goals by implementing projects that will promote environmental stewardship by government, the public and small businesses.

For more information, go to http://www.epa.gov/ocfo/plan/plan.htm , and click on "EPA's Strategic Plan 2003-2008", see page 118.

H Pollution Prevention Requirements for Funding

Proposals must address all four of the national requirements described below in order to be considering for funding:

1) Promote Multimedia Pollution Prevention. Proposals must describe how tasks will encourage source reduction to prevent pollution across all environmental media: air, water, and land, and/or promote natural resource conservation (as described in Section I Part D.). Examples of pollution prevention/source reduction projects or activities might include, but are not limited to: equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, reformulation or redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training, or inventory control, providing technical assistance to businesses, collecting and analyzing data to target outreach and technical assistance opportunities, developing measures to determine progress in pollution prevention, or other activities that support innovative pollution prevention approaches and methodologies. EPA's current priority is to promote collection and documentation of P2 successes in order to quantify the effect of implementing P2 practices in facilities and offices across the country. In order to document the effectiveness of any P2 outreach and training, grantees should survey users to determine changes in knowledge and behavior, while complying with the Paper Work Reduction Act (44 USC 3501).

Activities of regional P2 information centers are capacity building because they develop effective leaders and organizations that design, implement, and link environmental assistance programs across states to promote long-term sustainability of technical assistance programs.

Effective regional P2 information center efforts leverage available resources and decrease fragmentation and duplication of effort across programs. Successful regional centers work with state and local government programs to identify and assess needs and set priorities, facilitate communication and identify funding or "in kind" resources.

Examples of current grantee activities which are P2 capacity building include: developing web site materials to promote P2 knowledge, publishing comparisons of P2 technologies, and reporting output measures to document outreach activities. The P2Rx centers have developed a web based outline to promote the adoption of P2 approaches by technical assistance providers and businesses called "Topic Hubs" (http://www.p2rx.org/P2InfoNexpert/TopicHubs_2.cfm ) . A recent meeting of EPA staff and P2Rx centers indicated continuing support for the Topic Hubs, libraries of P2 materials (http://www.p2rx.org/P2InfoNexpert/P2publication.cfm ) available through the internet, and networking activities (http://www.p2rx.org/Networking/NationalProgram.cfm ) such as regional meetings, list serves, and training workshops.

2) Commit to Working Towards National Pollution Prevention Program Goals. Applicants must commit to working toward the Strategic Goals of the Agency's Pollution Prevention Program, as stated in Objective 5.2: Improve Environmental Performance through Pollution Prevention and Innovation in Goal 5 of the Agency's Strategic Plan and provided in Section I, Part E and Part G.

Proposals must describe the process for assessing needs and priorities with the states covered by the center and how tasks will address regional and national environmental goals. Proposals should describe how user satisfaction with the P2 information products and services will be measured. Examples of activities to advance environmental P2 goals could include: surveying state and local government users, businesses owners, or technical assistance providers to determine P2 information needs, developing specific fact sheets, check lists or case studies that address regional environmental goals, providing training in reporting P2 measures for a national database. Regional tasks should include measurement of improvement in knowledge or adoption of P2 practices among clients.

3) Promote Partnerships. Each proposal must include at least three letters from partner organizations involved with the proposal, which explain their role and contributions in the proposed project. If the partnership involves dollars, in-kind goods or services, these should be indicated in the letter of commitment. EPA continues to seek more cooperation among pollution prevention programs and other environmental assistance providers at the state, tribal, regional and national levels. Partnerships refer to forming a collaborative working relationship between two or more organizations such as state or local governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, national organizations and/or the private sector. Examples of state or national programs include National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnerships established through grants to states, EPA's Compliance Assistance Centers established by grants to address specific sectors, or EPA's Small Business Assistance Programs (SBAPs) established in each state. An example of a tribal organization is the National Tribal Environmental Council (ntec.org).

Grantees currently participate in a number of collaborative projects. Some examples are:

  1. sharing P2 information with the Compliance Clearinghouse (http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/),
  2. sharing Topic Hub information among grantees and internationally (http://www.p2win.org/main/ns/85/doc/105/lang/EN), and
  3. sharing information on how to find a local assistance program with the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (http://www.p2.org/inforesources/p2rxpd.cfm).

4) Describe Contribution to P2 Information Products or Services. During a meeting of the regional information centers and EPA staff in November 2005, a list of the most important products and services to promote public access to P2 information was discussed. The top priority products and services included: P2Rx topic hubs (http://www.p2rx.org/P2InfoNexpert/TopicHubs_2.cfm ), P2 library collections (http://www.p2rx.org/P2InfoNexpert/P2publication.cfm ), networking activities (http://www.p2rx.org/AboutUs/ContactInfo.cfm ), identifying, collecting and disseminating new P2 information, and support development, implementation and training in the use of a web based P2 measurement tool (http://pprc.org/measure/ ).

Each proposal must describe how the applicant will work with States, Tribes, local governments and/or businesses to support the development, implementation and training in the use of the web based P2 measurement tool currently being developed by the Pollution Prevention Resource Center (http://pprc.org/measure/ ). In addition, each work plan must describe at least two other products or services (such as topic hubs, P2 library materials on-line, networking activities, or the collection and dissemination of new P2 information as described above) that will be provided.

I. Other Applicable Regulations

State and tribal applicants and recipients of P2 Grants are subject to the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Parts 31 (Uniform Administrative Requirements for Assistance Agreements to State, Local and Federally-Recognized Tribal Governments), 34 (Restrictions on Lobbying) and 35 (Environmental Program Grants for States and Tribes):.

II. Award Information.

A. Amount of Funding Available

EPA anticipates that in FY 2006 approximately $700,000 will be available to award to successful applicants. Proposals may not exceed a project period of 12 months. In previous years, eight or nine Pollution Prevention Information Network assistance agreements have been awarded in the range of $50,000 to $129,000. This year it is expected that between six to ten new awards will be made through a competitive process for amounts not to exceed $120,000 per year, with a one year period of performance. Proposals that exceed $120,000 in Federal funding will be rejected as will proposals seeking multiyear funding.

B. Type of Assistance Instrument to be Awarded

The funding for selected proposals will be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement awarded under the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 Section 6605. A cooperative agreement is an assistance agreement that is used when there is substantial federal involvement with the recipient during the performance of an activity or project. EPA will award cooperative agreements for those projects in which it expects to have substantial technical interaction with the recipient throughout the performance of the project. For such projects, EPA may review and approve project phases, review and approve proposed sub grants and contracts, collaborate with the recipient on the scope of work and mode of operation of the project, closely monitor the recipient's performance, approve any proposed changes to work plan and/or budget, approve qualifications of key personnel, and review and comment on reports prepared under the assistance agreement.

C. Start Date and Duration

Proposals should have an anticipated start date of October 1, 2006. The proposed project period can be for up to 12 months. Proposals with a proposed project period in excess of 12 months will be rejected.

D. Miscellaneous

Funding for these projects is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of funds and the evaluation of proposals based on the criteria in this announcement. In addition, EPA reserves the right to partially fund proposals/applications by funding discrete activities, portions, or phases of proposed projects. If EPA decides to partially fund a proposal/application, it will do so in a manner that does not prejudice any applicants or affect the basis upon which the proposal/application, or portion thereof, was evaluated and selected for award, and that maintains the integrity of the competition and selection process. Award of funding through this year's competition is not a guarantee of future funding.

EPA reserves the right to make additional awards under this announcement (after the original award selections are made) if additional funding becomes available. Any additional selections for awards will be made no later than 6 months after the original selection decisions. The additional selections must be made in accordance with the terms of this announcement and EPA policy.

EPA reserves the right to reject all proposals and make no awards under this announcement, or make fewer awards than anticipated.

III. Eligibility Information.

A. Who May Apply?

Eligible applicants include the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States, any agency or instrumentality of a state including state colleges/universities, and Indian Tribes that meet the requirement for treatment in a manner similar to a state in 40 CFR 35.663 and intertribal consortia that meet the requirements in 40 CFR 35.504. For convenience, the term "state" in this notice refers to all eligible applicants. Foreign governments, local governments, private universities, non-profit, private businesses, and individuals are not eligible for funding.

B. Cost Sharing and M atching Requirements

Recipients of assistance agreements under section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 must provide at least 50 percent of the total allowable project cost. For example, a project costing $240,000 could be funded by a grant for up to $120,000 from the Federal government. The recipient is responsible for funding the other half ($120,000) of the project cost. Recipient contributions may include dollars, in-kind goods and services, and/or third party contributions consistent with 40 CFR 31.24. The proposal must contain a detailed budget showing how the cost will be matched with non-Federal dollars or in-kind goods and services. Proposals that do not show this will not be reviewed.

C. Funding Restrictions

EPA grant funds may only be used for the purpose set forth in the grant agreement, and must be consistent with the statutory and regulatory authority of the award. Grant funds may not be used for matching funds for other Federal grants, lobbying, or intervention in Federal regulatory or adjudicatory proceedings. In addition, Federal funds may not be used to sue the Federal government or any other government entity. All costs identified in the budget must conform to applicable Federal cost principles contained in OMB Circular A-87, A-122, and A-21, as appropriate. EPA will subtract proposed ineligible costs from the final approved budget if a grant is awarded.

D. Threshold Eligibility Requirements

In addition to meeting the eligible applicant and cost-match requirements discussed above, to be eligible for funding consideration under this announcement proposals must meet all of the following threshold criteria. Failure to meet any of the following criteria in the proposal will result in the automatic disqualification of the proposal for funding consideration. Ineligible applicants will be notified within 15 calendar days of the determination that they are ineligible based on the threshold criteria.

1) Support Goal 5. Proposals must support Goal 5 of EPA's Strategic Plan by implementing projects that will promote environmental stewardship by government, the public and small businesses.

2) Project Period and Cost. Proposals shall be for up to a 12 month period of performance and not seek more than $120,000 in federal funding. Proposals for more than a 12 month period of performance or that seek more than $120,000 in federal funding will be rejected.

3) Program Requirements. Proposed activities must meet EPA's definition of pollution prevention and source reduction (Section I. Part D) and meet the purpose for these grants as described in Section I Part E. In addition, proposals must address the four pollution prevention priorities for funding listed in Section I Part H. Proposals that do not meet these program requirements will not be considered for funding.

4) Submission Requirements. Proposals must substantially comply with the submission instructions and requirements set forth in this announcement or else they will be rejected. Where a page limit is expressed in Section IV with respect to the proposal and/or parts of the proposal, pages in excess of the page limitation will not be reviewed. Further, proposals must be received by the EPA or through Grants.Gov on or before the closing date and time published in Section IV of this announcement. Proposals received after the published closing date and time will be returned to the sender without further consideration.

IV. Proposal and Submission Information.

A. General

Applicants are advised to carefully read through these instructions. Work plans, as described in Part B below, must be limited to 12 single spaced pages. All proposals must be formatted for 8 ½" x 11" paper using no smaller than 12 point Times New Roman font with margins at least one-half inch wide. Appendices for the budget section, resumes and other supporting documentation such as letters of support can be submitted as attachments to the work plan and will not count toward the 12 single space page limit; the federal forms will also not count towards the page limit. Electronic files can be submitted as MS word, WordPerfect or Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

B. Proposal Materials

Regardless of mode of submission (see below), the following forms and documents are required under this announcement:

  1. Proposal for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
  2. Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)
  3. EPA Key Contacts Form 5700-54
  4. Work Plan (called the Project Narrative Attachment Form for those who apply through grants.gov)
  5. Other attachments or appendices. (Not subject to the work plan page limit) (Use the "Other Attachments" form to submit these documents if using grants.gov to apply)

The proposal package must include all of the following materials:

1) Standard Form (SF) 424, Proposal for Federal Assistance. Complete the form. There are no attachments. Please note that the organizational Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number must be included on the SF-424. Organizations may obtain a DUNS number at no cost by calling the toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711.

2) SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs. Complete the form. There are no attachments. If indirect costs are included, the amount of indirect costs should be entered on line 6(j). The indirect cost rate (i.e., a percentage), the base (e.g., personnel costs and fringe benefits), and the amount should also be indicated on line 22. If indirect costs are requested, a copy of the Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement must be submitted as part of the proposal package. (See #5 below on how to use the "Other Attachments" form to submit these documents if using grants.gov to apply.)

3) EPA Form 5700-54, Key Contacts Form. Complete the form. There are no attachments.

If additional pages are needed, attach these additional pages to the electronic proposal package by using the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box. (See Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions below for more details.)

4) Work Plan The work plan must be prepared in accordance with the instructions in Section IV Part A and be limited to no more than 12 single spaced pages. The work plan must explicitly describe how the proposed project meets the requirements in Sections I, II and III; the eligibility requirements in Section III Part D; and address each of the evaluation criteria disclosed in Section V. The work plan should include the following information:

  1. Project Narrative. Provide a brief summary of what will be accomplished as a result of the project. The project narrative should include: (i) the current needs assessment which demonstrates the needs of businesses seeking source reduction information; (ii) a description of the products or services that will address these needs for P2 information and how these activities will be linked to obtaining environmental results; (iii) a strategy for addressing potential barriers that may limit the effectiveness of your program; and (iv) an estimated time-line or schedule of target dates and milestones to complete specific products or provide specific services. The work plan must promote P2 (Section I Part D and Part H 1), support the purpose of grants under the Act (Section I Part E) and provide P2 information products or services (Section I Part H 4) that are achievable within the budget and project period of the grant.
  2. Outreach . Describe how you will promote the project so that information is clearly presented and useful to the intended audience. A strong proposal will use a variety of methods for education and information dissemination, and will not only rely on a bulletin, article, or presentation at a conference as the primary outreach activity. Projects are encouraged to use hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and other methods to encourage learning, P2 information dissemination and adoption of P2 approaches and technologies.
  3. Expected Outputs and Outcomes. Identify the plan/approach for tracking and measuring the progress towards achieving the expected outcomes and outputs of the project including those described in Section I ( Section I Part F, Part G and Part H 2) of the announcement. Identify the specific outputs and how you will measure whether you are achieving the outputs. Outputs may be quantitative or qualitative but must be measurable during an assistance agreement funding period. Specify the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the project, including what measurements you will use and how you will measure and evaluate the results of your project and whether you are making progress towards achieving the expected outcomes. Examples of environmental outcomes from the projects to be funded under this announcement include, but are not limited to, the following: increased understanding of the environmental or economic effectiveness of P2 technologies; acceptance of P2 practices and technologies by businesses; conservation of natural resources and reporting of water or energy conserved resulting from adopting P2 practices.
  4. Collaborations or Partnerships. Identify all proposed partnerships and stakeholder groups that will be involved in the project (Section I Part H 3) and what each of the groups' roles will be in project staffing, funding, design and implementation.
  5. Budget Table . In addition to Form 424A, provide a narrative on how resources will be spent. Include information on other funding sources (leveraged funds), if any. Describe how leveraged resources will be obtained and what role EPA funding will play in the overall project. A detailed budget should contain separate columns for EPA funds and non-Federal matching funds. The detailed budget should contain at least the following areas: personnel (list all positions), fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual, indirect costs, and income.
  6. Environmental Results Past Performance. Submit a list of Federally funded assistance agreements that your organization performed within the last three years (no more than 5, and preferably EPA agreements), and describe how you documented and/or reported on whether you were making progress towards achieving the expected results (e.g., outputs and outcomes) under those agreements. If you were not making progress, please indicate whether, and how, you documented why not. In evaluating applicants under this factor in Section V, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider other relevant information from other sources, including information from EPA files and from current and prior Federal agency grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information provided by the applicant). I f you have no relevant or available past performance reporting history, please indicate this in the proposal, and you will receive a neutral score for this factor under Section V.
  7. Programmatic Capability. Submit a list of Federally funded agreements similar in size, scope and relevance to the proposed project that your organization performed within the last three years (no more than 5, and preferably EPA agreements), and describe (i) how you were technically able to successfully carry out and manage those agreements and (ii) your history of meeting the reporting requirements under those agreements including submitting acceptable final technical reports. In evaluating applicants under this factor in Section V, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider other relevant information from other sources, including information from EPA files and from current and prior Federal agency grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information provided by the applicant). If you have no relevant or available past performance or past reporting history, please indicate this in the proposal and you will receive a neutral score for the elements of this factor under Section V.

In addition, provide information on your organizational experience and plan for timely and successfully achieving the objectives of the proposed project, and your staff expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge, and resources or the ability to obtain them, to successfully achieve the goals of the proposed project.

In addition, applicants should provide in their work plan any other information, to the extent not addressed above, that addresses the evaluation factors in Section V.

5) Other Attachments or Appendices. The following information should be included with the proposal package as appendices but will not count against the 12 page limit for the work plan.

  1. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, if applicable. You must submit a copy of your organization's Indirect Cost Rate Agreement as part of the proposal package if your proposed budget includes indirect costs. (If you are using the Grants.gov web site to submit your proposal, use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach a copy of this form.)
  2. Resumes for the Project Manager(s). Attach a copy of the biographical sketch or resume for each project manager for the proposed project. Please limit the length of a resume to one page and attach a maximum of three resumes. Each resume should outline the education, work history, and knowledge/expertise of the individual that relate to managing the proposed project. (If you are using the Grants.gov web site to submit your proposal, use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach copies of the resumes)
  3. Letters of Commitment. Each proposal must include at least three letters from partner organizations involved with the proposal, which explain their role in the proposed project. If the partnership involves dollars, in-kind goods or services, these should be indicated in the letter of commitment. (If you are using the Grants.gov web site to submit your proposal, use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach a copy of the letters)

C. Instructions for Submission of Proposals

Applicants are encouraged to apply electronically via e-mail or online using the grants.gov website with an electronic signature- please use only one method. For those applicants who lack the technical capability to apply either by e-mail or through grants.gov, please contact Beth Anderson (202-564-8833) or Anderson.beth@epa.gov for alternative submission methods. Regardless of mode of submission, the closing date and time for receipt of proposals under this announcement is July 28, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Proposals submitted via electronic-mail (e-mail) or through grants.gov (or through any approved alternative means) must be received by EPA or through grants.gov by this date and time or else they will not be considered.

1)Instructions for E-Mail Submissions. Proposals must be e-mailed to Beth Anderson (anderson. beth@epa.gov). The title of the email must read "2006 PPIN Proposal". The proposal must be prepared, and include the information, as described in Section IV, Parts A and B above. Please do not zip the attached file; zipped files will not be accepted. If you do not receive an email confirmation within five business days, please call Beth Anderson at 202-564-8833.

2) Submitting proposals through grants.gov. With grants.gov, you will be able to submit your entire proposal package on line with no hard copy or computer disks. Please be sure to view the additional instructions that are available for download on Grants.gov, and included below, for this announcement. If you have any technical difficulties while applying electronically, please refer to http://www.grants.gov/CustomerSupport Exit EPA Disclaimer or call the toll free Contact Center at 1-800-518-4726.

If you wish to apply electronically via grants.gov, the electronic submission of your proposal package must be made by an official representative of your institution who is registered with Grants.gov and authorized to sign proposals for Federal assistance. For more information, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on "Get Started," and then click on "For AORs" (Authorized Organization Representative) on the left side of the page. Note that the registration process may take a week or longer to complete. If your organization is not currently registered with Grants.gov, please encourage your office to designate an AOR and ask that individual to begin the registration process as soon as possible.

To begin the proposal process, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on "Apply for Grants." Following the on-line instructions, download PureEdge Viewer software and enter the Funding Opportunity Number, EPA-OPPT-06-15, in the space provide to retrieve the proposal package. Section IV Parts A and B of the announcement describes what information, forms, and documents must be included in the proposal package, and describes other proposal requirements. Then complete and submit the proposal package as indicated. Your organization's AOR must submit your complete proposal electronically to EPA through grants.gov (http://www.grants.gov) no later than July 28, 2006 (6 pm Eastern Time). Please submit all of the proposal materials described below.

Documents 1 through 5 listed under Proposal Materials in Section IV Part B of the announcement should appear in the "Mandatory Documents" box on the Grants.gov Grant Proposal Package page.

For documents 1, 2 and 3; click on the appropriate form and then click "Open Form" below the box. The fields that must be completed will be highlighted in yellow. Optional fields and completed fields will be displayed in white. If you enter an invalid response or incomplete information in a field, you will receive an error message. When you have finished filling out each form, click "Save." When you return to the electronic Grant Proposal Package page, click on the form you just completed, and then click on the box that says, "Move Form to Submission List." This action will move the document over to the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."

For document 4 (work plan), you will need to attach electronic files. Prepare your work plan as described in Section IV, Parts A and B of the announcement and save the document to your computer as an MS Word or WordPerfect file. (U.S. EPA prefers to receive documents in MS Word, but documents prepared in WordPerfect or Adobe Acrobat PDF will also be accepted.) When you are ready to attach your Work Plan to the proposal package, click on "Project Narrative Attachment Form," and open the form. Click "Add Mandatory Project Narrative File," and then attach your work plan (previously saved to your computer) using the browse window that appears. You may then click "View Mandatory Project Narrative File" to view it. Enter a brief descriptive title of your project in the space beside "Mandatory Project Narrative File Filename;" the filename should be no more than 40 characters long. If there other attachments that you would like to submit to accompany your work plan, you may click "Add Optional Project Narrative File" and proceed as before. When you have finished attaching the necessary documents, click "Close Form." When you return to the "Grant Proposal Package" page, select the "Project Narrative Attachment Form" and click "Move Form to Submission List." The form should now appear in the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."

For the information covered by Document 5 (appendices, letters of commitment, resumes, indirect cost agreement), use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach these documents. After attaching the documents, please remember to highlight the "Other Attachments Form" and click "Move Form to Submission List" in order to move the documents to the box that says, "Optional Completed Documents for Submission."

Once you have finished filling out all of the forms/attachments and they appear in one of the "Completed Documents for Submission" boxes, click the "Save" button that appears at the top of the Web page. It is suggested that you save the document a second time, using a different name, since this will make it easier to submit an amended package later if necessary. Please use the following format when saving your file: "Applicant Name – FY06 – Assoc Prog Supp – 1st Submission" or "Applicant Name – FY06 Assoc Prog Supp – Back-up Submission." If it becomes necessary to submit an amended package at a later date, then the name of the 2nd submission should be changed to "Applicant Name – FY06 Assoc Prog Supp – 2nd Submission."

Once your proposal package has been completed and saved, send it to your AOR for submission to U.S. EPA through Grants.gov. Please advise your AOR to close all other software programs before attempting to submit the proposal package through grants.gov.

In the "Proposal Filing Name" box, your AOR should enter your organization's name (abbreviate where possible), the fiscal year (e.g., FY06), and the grant category (e.g., Assoc Prog Supp). The filing name should not exceed 40 characters. From the "Grant Proposal Package" page, your AOR may submit the proposal package by clicking the "Submit" button that appears at the top of the page. The AOR will then be asked to verify the agency and funding opportunity number for which the proposal package is being submitted. If problems are encountered during the submission process, the AOR should reboot his/her computer before trying to submit the proposal package again. [It may be necessary to turn off the computer (not just restart it) before attempting to submit the package again.] If the AOR continues to experience submission problems, he/she may contact Grants.gov for assistance by phone at 1-800-518-4726 or email at support@grants.gov or contact Beth Anderson at 202-564-8833 or email at anderson. beth@epa.gov.

Proposal packages submitted through grants.gov will be time/date stamped electronically. If you have not received a confirmation of receipt from EPA (not from support@grant.gov) within 30 days of the proposal deadline, please contact Beth Anderson, Grant Program Manager, at (202) 564-8833. Failure to do so may result in your proposal not being reviewed.

D. DUNS identification number

All applicants applying for funding, including renewal funding, must have a Dun and Bradstreet Universal Data Numbering System (DUNS) number. Applicants who do not already have a DUNS number may find instruction for obtaining one at the following website: http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted Exit EPA Disclaimer . A DUNS number may also be obtained by calling 1-866-705-5711.

E. Confidential business information

In accordance with 40 CFR 2.203, applicants may claim all or a portion of their proposal as confidential business information. EPA will evaluate confidentiality claims in accordance with 40 CFR Part 2. Applicants must clearly mark proposals or portions of proposals they claim as confidential. If no claim of confidentiality is made, EPA is not required to make the inquiry to the applicant otherwise required by 40 CFR 2.204(c) (2) prior to disclosure. Note that under Public Law No. 105-277, data produced under an award is subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

F. Intergovernmental review.

This program may be eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her state for more information on the process the state requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the state has selected the program for review www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html.

G . Pre-proposal/Proposal Communications and Assistance

In accordance with EPA's Competition Policy of January 11, 2005 (EPA Order 5700.5A1), EPA staff will not meet with individual applicants to discuss draft proposals, provide informal comments on draft proposals, or provide advice to applicants on how to respond to ranking criteria. Applicants are responsible for the contents of their proposals. EPA will respond to questions in writing (to Beth Anderson anderson. beth@epa.gov) from individual applicants regarding threshold eligibility criteria, administrative issues related to the submission of the proposal, and requests for clarification about the announcement. Please type "PPIN question" in the subject line of your email.

H. Federal Requirements

If an applicant's proposal is selected for Federal funding during, the applicant will be contacted by EPA staff to provide additional material and submit required application forms. All application forms must be filled out in their entirety, prior to being considered for an award (see 40 CFR 30.12 and 31.10). In addition, successful applicants will be required to certify that they have not been debarred or suspended from participation in Federal assistance awards in accordance with 40 CFR Part 32.

V. Proposal R eview Information.

A. Review and Selection Process

A panel comprised of EPA staff will evaluate each proposal for threshold eligibility purposes (Section III). Those proposals, that pass the threshold eligibility review, will be evaluated by the panel and scored based upon the criteria listed in Section V. Part B. The Panel will also identify the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal. The review panel will provide the proposal rankings and strengths and weaknesses to the Selection Official. From among the highest numerically ranked proposals by the review panel, the Selection Official will recommend a group of finalists for award based on the following factors: 1) effectiveness of collaborative activities and partnerships to successfully implement the project, 2) geographic distribution of projects, and/or 3) programmatic priorities and potential duplication of effort with ongoing projects.

B. Evaluation Criteria

Each eligible proposal will be evaluated according to the criteria set forth below. Applicants should directly and explicitly address these criteria as part of their proposal submittal. Each proposal will be rated under a points system, with a total of 100 points possible.

1) Work Plan. 20 pts. The proposal will be evaluated based on the following: (i) Does the proposal clearly address the need for this project, the tasks and timeline to address these needs (10 points); (ii) Does the proposal demonstrate an understanding of the pollution prevention challenges faced by states or tribes and describe a strategy for measuring the effectiveness of P2 information products and services (10 points)?

2) Outreach.10 pts. Does the work plan describe a variety of methods to encourage learning about pollution prevention and taking action to implement P2 activities (5 points)? Does the proposal describe how outreach methods will be evaluated (5 points)?

3) Expected Outputs and Outcomes. 20 pts. Does the workplan describe how the outputs and outcomes relate to the success of the P2 information products or services described (10 points)? Does the work plan clearly describe the expected project outputs and how the applicant will measure progress in achieving them (5 points)? Does the narrative clearly describe the expected project outcomes and how the applicant will measure progress in achieving them (5 points)?

4) Collaborations or Partnerships. 20 pts. Does the proposal identify partnerships or collaboration that will provide resources to assist in reaching expected outputs and outcomes (10 points)? Do the appendices include three letters of commitment documenting services, facilities, or funding that partners will provide to help carry out this work plan? (10 points)

5) Budget. 10 pts. Is the budget reasonable and cost effective? Does the budget include all of the required categories, including any leveraged resources?

6) Environmental Results Past Performance: 10 pts. Extent and quality to which the applicant adequately documented and/or reported on its progress towards achieving the expected results (e.g., outcomes and outputs) under federally funded agency assistance agreements performed within the last three years, and if such progress was not being made whether the applicant adequately documented and/or reported why not.

Note: In evaluating applicants under this factor, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider relevant information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information supplied by the applicant). Applicants with no relevant or available past performance reporting history will receive a neutral score for this factor (5 points).

7) Programmatic Capability. 10 pts. Under this factor, the Agency will evaluate the applicant's technical ability to successfully carry out the proposed project taking into account the following factors: (i) its past performance in successfully completing and managing federally funded agreements similar in size, scope, and relevance to the proposed project performed within the last 3 years, (ii) its history of meeting reporting requirements under federally funded agreements similar in size, scope, and relevance to the proposed project performed within the last 3 years and submitting acceptable final technical reports under these agreements, (iii) its organizational experience and plan for timely and successfully achieving the objectives of the proposed project, and (iv) its staff expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge, and resources or the ability to obtain them, to successfully achieve the goals of the proposed project.

Note: In evaluating applicants under this factor, the Agency will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider relevant information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information supplied by the applicant). Applicants with no relevant or available past performance or reporting history (items i and ii above), will receive a neutral score for those elements of this factor (1.25 points each).

VI. Award Administration Information.

A. Award Notices

EPA headquarters will notify both successful and unsuccessful applicant(s) by electronic mail.

EPA reserves the right to negotiate appropriate changes in work plans after the selection and before the final award consistent with EPA's Competition Policy (EPA Order 5700.5A1, Section 11). The notification, which advises that the applicant's proposal has tentatively been selected and is being recommended for award, is not an authorization to begin performance. A notice signed by the Grants Administration Division is the authorizing document to the applicant to begin performance.

Activities shall be completed and funds spent within the time frame specified in the award agreement. EPA grant funds may be used only for the purposes set forth in the grant agreement and must conform to Federal cost principles contained in OMB circulars A-87, A-122, and A-21, as appropriate. Ineligible costs will be deducted from the final grant award.

B. Reports and Work Products

Funding recipients must complete six month and annual reports and provide a final report at the end of the grant period. Progress reports ( six month and annual) must address the status of all objectives and activities in the proposal (including measures), and a statement of impacts and expenses. The Final report shall be completed within 90 calendar days of the completion of the period of performance. The final report should encompass a complete overview/summary of all of the activities conducted within the grant project period. Specific financial, technical and other reporting requirements to measure the grant recipient's progress will be identified in the EPA grant award agreement. Reporting must be consistent with the requirements of 40 CFR 35.107, 35.115, and 35.515.

C. Dispute Resolution Process

Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2005) which can be found at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20051800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2005/05-1371.htm.

D. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

A listing and description of general EPA Regulations applicable to the award of assistance agreements may be viewed at: http://www.epa.gov/ogd/AppKit/applicable_epa_regulations_and_description.htm

Programmatic Terms and conditions will be negotiated with the selected recipient.

VII. Agency Contact.

Beth Anderson Pollution Prevention Division (7409M), USEPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001, telephone number: (202) 564-8833; fax number: (202) 564-8899; e-mail address: anderson. beth@epa.gov.

VIII. Other Information.

The EPA Award Official is the only official that can bind the Agency to the expenditure of funds for selected projects resulting from this announcement.

Information about current P2 information network grant program may be viewed at: www.epa.gov/p2/pubs/grants/ppin/ppin.htm . Information about the current P2Rx centers may be viewed at www.p2rx.org .

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