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Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange Fact Sheet

The pollution prevention resource exchange, P2Rx, is a consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers, funded in part through grants from EPA. These centers all provide pollution prevention information, networking opportunities, and other services to States, local governments, and technical assistance providers in their region. The centers represent a broad constituency, including state and local pollution prevention programs, manufacturing extension partnerships, cooperative extension, and nonprofit organizations.

The overall mission of P2Rx is to "improve the dissemination of pollution prevention information in the service provider community." This is primarily accomplished through the four goals outlined below.

The first goal of P2Rx is to "provide high quality, synthesized, peer-reviewed P2 information and expertise." High quality information is provided by a system of careful peer review of documents. Much background work has been accomplished regarding database standards to facilitate information exchange, keywords and controlled vocabulary for effective searching, and standard Alook and feel@ for some web-based information products (such as the topic hubs and program directory) which can significantly reduce search time for users looking for high quality P2 information.

Topic hubs - Currently 29 topic hubs and several compilations of industry sector information exists on www.P2Rx.org.Exit EPA DisclaimerNineteen additional hubs will be added in FY02. These hubs are peer-reviewed prior to posting and may be reviewed by people using the hubs. Abstracts and ratings of documents included in each hub are given.

Online researchers - several centers offer research services or technical expertise to their clients. The centers also give priority to requests from other centers, thus leveraging resources and providing more comprehensive search results for a user.

P2 news services - several centers distribute news articles and other timely P2 information via listserves to P2 technical assistance providers in their regions.

Research projects database - operated by a P2Rx center, the database houses abstracts of P2 research projects being conducted throughout the U.S.A.

P2 Infohouse - operated by a P2Rx center, this clearinghouse has a wide variety of P2 information developed regionally and nationally. Three other P2Rx centers have similar offerings and work is progressing to allow all information to be seamlessly shared and searched.

Other content - Regionally, several centers have specific projects that contribute to their region's information needs and are available nationally. The projects include participating with the Air and Waste Management Association on teacher training, development of P2 technology profiles, distributing results of a P2 technology diffusion project, providing access to a virtual P2 planner, and providing energy audits and an energy workshop.

The second goal is to "minimize duplication of effort by developing information, organizing outreach efforts and producing publications." This is accomplished through the following:

Content publications - sharing technical information and expertise, via topic hubs or other technical content pieces allows users to quickly find what's already been published, significantly shortening their development time.

Programs directory - allows users to find local or national experts and interested parties on whatever project they're working on.
~ Information standards - by developing and using standard criteria, P2Rx centers are able to efficiently search and share information. These standards are available to other interested parties that want to take advantage of P2Rx information or want to share their information in the P2 community.

The third goal is to "build a distribution channel for hard copy materials and access to electronic P2 information." This is accomplished primarily through web sites. www.P2Rx.orgExit EPA Disclaimerand every center's web site allow electronic access to P2 information. Many centers also have mechanisms for providing hard copies of requested materials that are not available on the web. One center provides scanning and document conversion services to all centers so the best resources can be offered in convenient, on-line format. P2Rx centers also help libraries improve their collections with new P2 documents. The inter-library loan system of the Federal Depository Libraries makes this information available to the public.

The fourth and final goal of P2Rx is to "promote networking of the service provider community." This is being accomplished through:

Programs directory - currently each center maintains a database with information about the P2 programs in their region. This information is being brought together for nation- wide coverage and will be available on each center's web site. Users may use the database to quickly and easily find other programs with expertise they're seeking.

Mercury Reduction Programs database - maintained through a P2Rx center with regional information contributed from other centers, this database allows interested users to easily determine what programs are currently actively working to reduce mercury.

Request for proposals database - operated by a P2Rx center, the database lists funding opportunities that technical assistance providers can use for special projects or to enhance programs.

Maintain listserves - centers maintain national and regional topical listserves and archives. P2 technical assistance providers can participate in discussions or research questions via the archive.

Survey users -P2Rx seeks continuous improvement of its products and services through user surveys, web activity measurement and advisory group

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