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1997 EPP Symposium Notes

The EPP symposium on July 16 and 17, 1997 in Baltimore, MD brought together both the manufacturing sector and federal agency personnel in an effort to help make environmental performance a factor in federal government purchasing decisions, along with product performance and cost. Interactive workshops were intended to assist participants in "greening" federal purchasing, as well as increase dialogue between Federal purchasers and suppliers of environmentally preferable products and services. Conference Notes were developed to share conference information among interested parties who were unable to attend.

Table of Contents

Plenary Sessions:

Introduction to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing - (Opening Plenary)
EPP Applied - Success Stories (Plenary 2)
Future Directions of EPP (Closing Plenary)

Session Tracks:

Business Opportunities for Environmental Entrepreneurs

Entering the Federal Marketplace (Session 1)
Small Business Support Services (Session 7)
Vendors' Experiences - Case Studies & Issues (Session 13)

Laws & Regulations Impacting the Acquisition of EPPs

Federal Acquisition (Session 2)
Product Standards & Claims (Session 8)
Other Legal Issues & Trends (Session 14)

Green Purchasing in Practice

How to Implement an EPP Program (Session 3)
Public Sector Pilots (Session 9)
Private Sector Examples (Session 15)

EPP Tools & Resources

Life Cycle Tools (Session 4)
Internet Tools (Session 10)
Other Resources (Session 16)


Public/Private Partnerships (Session 5)
Role of Contractors (Session 11)
Embarking on Pilots-Incentives & Benefits (Session 17)

Green Buildings

New Construction (Session 6)
Renovation, Repair & Deconstruction (Session 12)
Evaluation Tools (Session 18)

List of Speakers and Related Web sites:

Speakers and Web sites

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