
2005 Source Reduction Assistance Grants Recipients

EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Tristan Gillespie

Project Summaries

Bergen County Utilities Authority Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   School Science Lab Chemicals and Mercury Removal Mini-Grant Program

EPA Funding: $42,000

Project Summary:   The Bergen County Utilities Authority (BCUA) will work to clean out hazardous waste in the 80 school districts in its area. The BCUA will be the lead agency that brings the hazardous waste vendor and the schools together. The BCUA will enter into an agreement with a hazardous waste collection vendor, and in turn, the BCUA will enter into a separate agreement with each participating school district. This agreement will provide the school with a vendor who will provide the following services onsite: identification, sorting, handling, packaging, transportation and disposal of generated hazardous materials.

Contact Information:   Mark Vangieri, mvangieri@bcua.org

Rutgers University, New Jersey EcoComplex  Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   Dissolving Barriers to Successful Food Waste and Organics Recycling in New Jersey: A Model Program

EPA Funding: $30,000

Project Summary:   The Rutgers University, Solid Waste Policy Group (SWPG), and its partners seek to build on experience gathered through the last eight years in the area of food waste recycling to bring the State of New Jersey past a critical stage in the development of food waste recycling markets and systems in the state. The SWPG will draw on models from other states as well as its own observations in dissolving the considerable barriers to successful food waste recycling within the State.

Contact Information:   Priscilla Hayes, hayes@aesop.rutgers.edu


Rowan University, Department of Chemical Engineering  Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   Green Engineering Approach to Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing

EPA Funding: $26,813

Project Summary:   In this project, Rowan University will apply “Green engineering” to phase I and II production of a Bristol-Myers Squibb pharmaceutical. A life cycle approach will be applied to several alternative production processes with the goal of minimizing the overall risk to human health and the ecosystem. It is expected that the resulting new process will employ benign alternative solvents, reduce the overall solvent use, and reduce the mass of hazardous materials required. We plan to work with Bristol-Myers Squibb to develop an environmental heuristic that other pharmaceutical companies can follow in the development of new drugs, thus expanding this work.

Contact Information:   Dr. C. Stewart Slater, slater@rowan.edu


City University of New York, the Graduate Center  Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   NYC Sustainable Buildings Education & Training Program

EPA Funding: $20,000

Project Summary:   Through this project, the City University of New York (CUNY) will develop the capacity to provide education and training programs for the labor force in Sustainable Buildings.   CUNY will develop a strategy for the creation for New York City's first Energy Systems Lab through an integrated education program in "Continuous / Retro Commissioning." CUNY will also develop an “Green Stewards” educational program in collaboration with labor unions focusing on the Building Trades to reduce water, solid waste, air, toxic substances, insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide pollution.   Lastly, CUNY will develop a photovoltaic   program to create the capacity to train installers of photovoltaic systems and increase the market demand for safe clean energy.

Contact Information:   David Levine, dlevine@gc.cuny.edu


Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Peconic Estuary Program  Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   Curbing Pesticide and Nitrogen Pollution in the Peconic Estuary:   A Homeowners How-To

EPA Funding: $40,000

Project Summary:   Through this project, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Peconic Estuary Program (PEP), will address the use of pesticides by Suffolk County homeowners.   This pesticide use is contributing to Peconic Estuary's nitrogen pollution, which impairs and threatens habitats and water quality in the Peconic Estuary.   Through this project, the PEP will develop and adapt materials to serve as the basis for implementing a long-term and innovative program to provide homeowners with the resources needed to make informed decisions regarding lawn and landscaping maintenance that is consistent with the long-term sustainability of the Estuary.   They will capitalize on the public's demonstrated willingness to "do the right thing," carefully document participation, and share our results with the public and other watershed-based organizations.

Contact Information:   Laura Bavaro, laura.bavaro@suffolkcountyny.gov


New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene  Exit EPA disclaimer

Project Title:   Reducing PERC Emitted by Dry Cleaning Establishments in Residences Co-Located With Dry Cleaners

EPA Funding: $40,000

Project Summary:   The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) proposes to conduct a project to reduce the use and release into the environment of tetrachloroethylene (PERC) by commercial dry cleaning establishments. DOHMH proposes to perform a systems analysis of establishment operations that will be used to determine whether current regulatory control is sufficient to limit human exposure to PERC in residences co-located with dry cleaners. Results will be used to identify recommendations for regulatory change and to establish best practices for operators. This project will include an outreach component to educate consumers in the hazards of PERC, and to encourage them to patronize establishments whose operations are the least harmful to human health and the environment.

Contact Information:   Jeanine Prud'homme, jprudhom@health.nyc.gov

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