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Source Reduction Assistance

Funding Sources
Purpose To support source reduction/pollution prevention projects that will provide an overall benefit to the environment by preventing pollutants at the source.
Eligible Applicants States, U.S. Possessions, Federally-recognized Tribes, local governments, independent school district governments.  State controlled institutions of higher education, non-profits having a 501(c)(3) status, and private institutions of higher education.
Award Amount

Typically $25,000-$75,000.

Total Awarded in Fiscal Year Approximately $75,000 in FY09.
Matching Share

No matching share required.

Key Dates:
Application Due Selection
Due: Early Spring 2009
Selection: Spring 2009
  • Reduce production waste and consumption
  • Improve facility institutional operations
  • Reformulate/procure products to reduce toxic constituents.
  • Encourage businesses to use green product design.
  • Collect and analyze P2/ source reduction data.
  • Integrate P2 concepts in state, regional and Tribal environmental media programs. 
Contact Person
EPA Office/Division
John Katz (katz.john@epa.gov)
Pollution Prevention Team
(415) 972-3283
See website for more info.

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