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Questions & Answers on the Wetland Program Development Grant

These are commonly asked questions about the Wetland Program Development Grant (EPA-R7WWPD-07-001). If you have questions beyond those in this Question & Answer document, or would like paper copies of the Notice of Request for Proposals, please call Mandy Whitsitt at 913-551-7311 (whitsitt.mandy@epa.gov) or Chester Stovall at 913-551-7549 (stovall.chester@epa.gov).

You can also find more information on the EPA Grants and Debarment and EPA Region 7 Grants Information Web sites.

General Questions
1. Where can I find the SF-424 and SF-424A forms and other grant writing information?
2. Who is eligible to apply?
3. What projects are eligible for funding?
4. How likely is my project to be funded? Is a large or small project more likely to be funded?
5. How much detail is needed in the proposal?
6. What are the requirements for the proposal narrative itself?
7. If I live in another state than Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska), where can I find Wetland Program Development Grant information for the other EPA Regions?

1. Where can I find the SF-424 and SF-424A forms and other grant writing information?

These can be found at the EPA national grants, EPA Region 7 grants, and Federal grants Exit EPA Web sites. The Request for Proposal (RFP) uses the required format for all Federal RFPs. Important sections include: Section 3 - Eligibility Information, Section 4 - Application and Submission Information, and Section 5 - Application Review Information.

2. Who is eligible to apply?

As defined under Section III.A (Page 10), eligible applicants include states, tribes, local government agencies, interstate agencies, and intertribal consortia. Projects must be performed within one or more of the states in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska) to be eligible to apply for funding. In the case of inter-jurisdictional watershed projects, they must be primarily implemented in EPA Region 7. In order to be eligible for funds through this competition, tribes must be federally recognized, although “Treatment as a State" status is not a requirement. Intertribal consortia that meet the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 35.504 are eligible for direct funding. Universities that are agencies of a state government are eligible to receive funds through this competition. Universities that are not chartered as a part of state government are not eligible for direct funding from EPA. Universities must include documentation demonstrating that they are chartered as a part of a state government in their proposal. Documentation may include such items as a state/tribal constitution, university charter, or case law that has confirmed the university as a state agency. For those that are ineligible, you may consider partnering with an eligible applicant.

3. What projects are eligible for funding?

There are seven basic criteria [Section III.C, Page 11]: 1) projects must occur or primarily occur within Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska; 2) proposals must be submitted by the deadline [see Section IV.D]; 3) projects must be limited to activities that improve wetland programs by conducting or promoting the acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution; 4) demonstrations must involve new or experimental technologies, methods, or approaches, where the results of the project will be disseminated so that others can benefit from the knowledge gained in the demonstration project; 5) funds received through this competition cannot be used to fund activities to implement a wetlands program, or fund the purchase of land or conservation easements; 6) inventory or mapping for the sole purpose of locating wetlands is considered implementation and not eligible for funding under this competition; and 7) implementation of individual mitigation projects, mitigation banks, or in-lieu-fee mitigation programs are not eligible for funding.

4. How likely is my project to be funded? Is a large or small project more likely to be funded?

In order to assess the strength of your proposal and the likelihood of your project being funded, you may compare your proposal against the criteria and assigned points, as stated in Section V.A (Pages 17-18). All proposals will be reviewed and ranked using these criteria. Section V.B (Page 19) gives additional information regarding the review and selection process.

5. How much detail is needed in the proposal?

Enough detail is needed to meet all of the content requirements listed in Section IV.C (Pages 13-16) and provide information for the criteria listed in Section V (Pages 17-18). The level of detail should be balanced with the need for ease of review by EPA Region 7 (see Question 6). EPA reviewers will use the information provided in your proposal to review and rank proposals according to the Section V.B criteria. The only exception is Section V.A, Criteria 6, "Program Capability (11 points)", where EPA has stated that other sources of relevant information may be considered, including agency files and prior/current grantors (also Section IV.C.5). Section IV.C.4 "Detailed Itemization of Amounts Budgeted by Object Class Categories" refers to those categories given in the SF-424A form (e.g., personnel, supplies). Generally, one page of explanation is sufficient. For example, the narrative for personnel would explain the number and type of personnel, their wages, and estimated work spent on the project (hours, months, and percent of time).

6. What are the requirements for the proposal narrative itself?

The proposal narrative must be no more than 15 consecutively numbered letter-sized (8½ x 11 inch) pages with standard 12-point type and one-inch margins. (A page is one side of a piece of paper.) While 12-point is a minimum type size requirement, applicants are advised that readability is of paramount importance and should take precedence when selecting an appropriate font for the proposal. Additional pages beyond the 15-page limit will not be considered.

7. If I live in another state than Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska), where can I find Wetland Program Development Grant information for the other EPA Regions?

The EPA Headquarters Web site for Wetlands Program Development Grants contains contact information for each EPA Region.

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