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Grants Awarded FY2007

Announcement Number Name of Organization Type of Project Project Description Amount of Funding
EPA-R7ARTD-07-002 St. Elizabeth Foundation Asthma Asthma outreach, education and training $28,585 
EPA-R7ARTD-07-002 Southeast MO University Research Center  Asthma Asthma outreach, education and training $25,866
EPA-R7ARTD-07-002  Linn County, Iowa Health Department Asthma Asthma outreach, education and training $21,269 
EPA-R7ARTD-07-002  University of Tulsa Tools For School Promoting and assisting the implementation of the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program in Springfield, MO schools $49,798 
EPA-R7ARTD-07-002  Nebraska Health & Human Services Tools For School Promoting and assisting the implementation of the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program in Springfield, MO schools $34,875
EPA-R7WWPD-07-001 Iowa Department of Natural Resources         Wetland Program Development Grants This project will build upon the wetland assessment methods developed so far to integrate Iowa Department of Natural Resources monitoring methods for three categories of wetlands found in Iowa; natural/existing wetlands, restored wetlands, and high quality reference wetlands.  $267,220 
EPA-R7WWPD-07-001 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Wetland Program Development Grants This project will develop the Missouri Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment Program. The project is to demonstrate wetlands hydrologic monitoring program; describe and monitor the biological and chemical process required for hydric soil formation at the monitored wetlands; and develop the biologic criteria to assess the biological functions of wetlands to measure wetland health for future wetland assessment at the monitoring sites. Also, initiate a physical wetlands monitoring program for the state. $299,279 
EPA-R7WWPD-07-001 Nebraska Games and Parks Commission         Wetland Program Development Grants The Rainwater Basin wetlands of Nebraska area is of international importance and provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, and may contribute to groundwater recharge and water quality improvement. The functions of these wetlands are severely impaired by past drainage and sedimentation. This project will evaluate the role of Rainwater Basin wetlands in groundwater quality improvement, and analyze the effects of sediment removal on wetland functions.   $226,936
EPA-R7WWPD-07-001 University of Kansas              Wetland Program Development Grants Wetland monitoring and assessment study to apply and test assessment tools (e.g. criteria/metrics, protocols), provide an estimate of the current condition of floodplain wetlands in the Lower Missouri River study area, and assess the veracity of reference conditions determined in an earlier study. Goals will be accomplished by gathering and assessing water quality, floristic, and macro invertebrates, and landscape data from approximately 40 wetlands selected by an EMAP probability-based approach.   $325,499
EPA-R7WWPD-07-002 Curators of the University of Missouri Grant The project will engage with an increasing group of Amish and Mennonite farmers  in 12 Missouri counties involved in fresh produce production and will encourage them to adopt best management practices. $49,562
EPA-R7WWPD-07-002 Iowa State University Grant This project seeks to evaluate plant essential oils for their antimicrobial effect on seed-borne and seed-borne pathogens.  If successful, the essential oils will be promoted as an alternative to conventional seed treatments. $39,672

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