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Grants Awarded FY2004

Announcement Number Name of Organization Type of Project Project Description Amount of Funding

Johnson Co., Iowa Tobacco Free Coalition

Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach, information & education on environmental tobacco smoke. $10,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 Lincoln-Lancaster Co., Nebraska Health Department Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach, information & education on environmental tobacco smoke. $10,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 American Lung Association of Nebraska/Omaha Asthma Alliance Indoor Air Grants Promote the indoor air Tools for Schools program and provide technical assistance to schools. $60,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 American Lung Association of Kansas Indoor Air Grants Promote the indoor air Tools for Schools program and provide technical assistance to schools. $29,990
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 Jefferson Community Health Center, Fairbury, NE Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach and education on indoor asthma triggers. $9,500
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 Douglas County, Nebraska Health Department Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach and education on indoor asthma triggers. $30,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-002 St. Louis University Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach and education on indoor asthma triggers. $26,448

St. Elizabeth Foundation, Lincoln, Nebraska

Indoor Air Grants Provide outreach and education on indoor asthma triggers. $17,062
EPA-R7ARTD-04-003 Kansas State University Source Reduction Pollution Prevention Assistance to Healthcare Sector $34,004
EPA-R7ARTD-04-003 Watershed University Source Reduction Pollution Prevention Assistance to Schools $26,200
EPA-R7WWPD-04-005 Bridging the Gap, Inc.
“Take it Back” Environmental Hazards Research Project
EJ Small Grant The goal of this project is to research components that affect the environ-mental harms and risks associated with cleanliness, health, and safety of a neighborhood. Then they will create a toolkit for the neighborhood to use that can be implemented in other places. Objectives:
Send out RFP to EJ communities to be the target neighborhood for the research. Research the selected community’s perspectives on litter & its effects on safety, health, cleanliness, & economic development. Conduct surveys. Use community constituents to conduct quarterly litter indexes. Research & design measurement tools.
EPA-R7WWPD-04-005 Chicano Awareness Center/ “Our Children and Lead” or “Nuestros Niños y el Plomo” EJ Small Grant The goal of this project is to complete a community research assessment and gather data on knowledge and awareness of multiple sources, risk factors, and prevention strategies of lead poisoning in a predominantly Latino community in South Omaha.
Objectives: Gather baseline data on knowledge & awareness of multiple sources, risk factors, and lead prevention. Determine the preferred mode of info. dissemination. Develop a model for health info. transfer that can be replicated elsewhere.
EPA-RGAD-04-006 University of Missouri - Columbia RGI Development of Ecosystem Models and Spatially Specific Analysis of Ecosystem State, Significance, Vulnerability and Risk for Terrestrial & Riverine Ecosystems in EPA Region 7 $70,000
EPA-RGAD-04-006 MO Legal Aid/ Migrant Farmworkers RGI Project Mother Earth - Migrant Farmworkers Project $25,000
EPA-RGAD-04-006 Southern IA RC&D RGI Restoration Potential of the Savanna Oak $30,000
EPA-RGAD-04-006 Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams RGI Marketing and Education of TMDL Bacteria Plans $50,000
EPA-RGAD-04-006 University of Nebraska RGI Arsenic Information & Technical Support Systems for Public Water Supplies $50,000
EPA-RGAD-04-006 Grace Hill Settlement House RGI Air Toxics Education, Initiative to Cleaner Air $35,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-008 Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Pollution Prevention Pollution Prevention Intern Program $90,717
EPA-R7ARTD-04-008 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Pollution Prevention Industry Pollution Prevention Assistance $140,000
EPA-R7ARTD-04-008 Iowa Department of Natural Resources Pollution Prevention Pollution Prevention Equipment Loan Program $105,664
EPA-R7ARTD-04-008 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Pollution Prevention Pollution Prevention Assistance $137,579
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Blue River Watershed Association Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant River Watershed and educate stakeholders regarding strategies to protect and restore water quality in the Blue River. The first goal will be accomplished by (1) employing a watershed-based approach involving established stakeholders working in the Blue River; (2) identifying and developing action plans for implementation of stormwater management approaches, smart growth and low-impact development applications, and monitoring and assessment strategies. The second goal will be accomplished by (1) identifying stakeholders to implement the collaborative approach described above and (2) present educational tools to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the Blue River. $100,000
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Stacie R. Johnson Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant Infiltrate, to Retain rain) Approach as a component in the storm water management plans in the communities of Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, and Robins, Iowa. The objectives of this project include 1) establish an on-site infiltration and retention target rate, 2) engage MS4 staff, consulting engineers and landscape architects who will determine policy, standards, and specifications as it relates to on-site infiltration and retention practices in new development an redevelopment projects, 3) train selected environmental educators, local homebuilders, landscape contractors and garden center staff to properly construct and educate property owners on FAIR practices, 4) educate and inform property owners, MS4 municipal officials, and land developers on stormwater runoff issues and ways to mitigate NPS water pollution by reducing stormwater runoff. $ 77,905
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Trees Forever Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The goal of this project is to educate stakeholders in the Cedar River Watershed around Cedar Rapids, IA about the cost and benefits of low-impact development (LID) as compared to conventional subdivision design. The objectives of the project include 1) presentations to stakeholder groups in Cedar Rapids, 2) coordinate and facilitate a one-day forum, and 3) educational sessions facilitated in communities upstream from Cedar Rapids. $ 31,728
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The goal of this project is to develop procedures for predicting toxic blue-green algae blooms in the sandpit lakes along the Lower Platte Corridor in Nebraska using remote sensing. The objectives of the project include 1) understand the frequency and duration of blooms and toxin presence, 2) understand the physical, chemical, and climatic conditions which promote blooms and potential production, and 3) develop models to predict when and where blooms and potential toxins may occur. $100,000
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Andale Area Chamber of Commerce Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The Andale Chamber of Commerce will work with citizens and officials from the Cowskin Creek, Upper Dry Creek, and Lower Dry Creek subbasins (HUC 14) to coordinate efforts and organize an entity to oversee the development of a watershed management plan for the area. These waterways have been identified as impaired for fecal coliform and nutrients (high priority) and chlordane (low priority). This watershed is included in the Arkansas-Slate Subbasin (HUC 8) with the highest priority ranking for restoration. They are also experiencing numerous flood events due to poorly managed stormwater runoff. $ 87,375
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Upper Mississippi River Basin Association Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The "Upper Mississippi River Interstate Consultations on Priority Water Quality Issues" project will assist the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (UMRBA) Task Force to coordinate efforts in developing consistent water quality assessments between the five states (WI, MN, IL, IA, MO) and two EPA Regions (5 & 7) that border the Upper Mississippi River. It would be beneficial to identify existing differences and coordinate future state processes and schedules for developing their 305(b) assessments, 303(d) lists, water quality standards, and monitoring efforts on the Upper Mississippi River. This project will focus on developing consistent fish consumption advisories and sedimentation assessments between the five states. $ 76,700
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Northeast Iowa RC & D, Inc Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The goal of this project is to develop and apply process models to complete the large watershed assessment in the Upper Iowa River Watershed, apply the same process model to the Yellow River Watershed, and begin limited outreach to the Turkey River Watershed to build interest. This will be done through coordinating water quality work with numerous agencies and organizations, and increasing stakeholder participation in the second two watersheds. $ 89,000
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Iowa State University Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The goal of this project is for the development of roadside landscape water quality enhancements, installation of water quality monitoring instrumentation, and securing necessary planning and design services for prototype projects within the U.S. Highway 20 right-of-way in Hardin County, Iowa. The purpose of these prototype projects is to improve water quality, enhance bio-diversity, and create accessible and education sites for students, Department of Transportation engineers, and for drivers. $ 98,991
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Top of the Ozarks RC & D, Inc. Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The Jack's Fork Watershed Committee will locate, map, and document information on sinkholes located in and near the Jack's Fork Watershed which was placed on the impaired waterbody list for fecal coliform. They will evaluate conditions around the sinkholes, rank and prioritize them for environmental actions, and develop voluntary management recommendations for landowners. They will conduct public meetings and solicit responses from landowners regarding the activity. They will also conduct dye tracings on five sites with the highest potential of negative impacts due to site conditions. $ 72,221
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 University of Nebraska - Lincoln Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant This project is intended to 1) expand the input and involvement of the range and number of local community stakeholders actively involved in the attempts to restore river ecosystem health and function, 2) synthesize existing data to identify management techniques and organizations, and build consensus on what is needed to achieve a viable river ecosystem, 3) develop innovative, comprehensive policy and planning techniques for the effective management of the Missouri River Ecosystem, & 4) identify locations and finalize a plan for the implementation of adaptive management techniques and monitoring within the pilot stretch to eventually extend along the entire stretch of the river. $ 31,562
EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 Haskell Indian Nations University Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Grant The goal of this project is to perform innovative research studies on aquatic resources affecting water quality through quality undergraduate research and will accomplish development of watershed assessment and monitoring strategies. $ 115,180
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Wetland Program Development Grants This project aims to establish a current dollar value for wetlands under past, present, and future conditions.  The valuations or appraisals will be based on a per acre basis as a common geographic measure.  Besides helping to mitigate wetlands losses, innovative ideas such as actual dollar for dollar exchanges and future wetland tax credits will be explored. $189,812
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Wetland Program Development Grants This project will locate small headwater wetlands (1-5 acres in size) in agricultural areas to improve water quality more effectively.  Missouri Department of Natural Resources will work with stakeholders with agricultural interests to implement the benefits of these types of wetlands into the farming community. $ 258,200
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Industrial Development Authority of Stoddard County Wetland Program Development Grants This project will provide hard scientific data related to effects of created and restored wetland areas on water quality in the Cypress/St. Frances Wetland Management Area. $ 208,000
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 The Curators of the University of Missouri Wetland Program Development Grants Develop a geographic information system (GIS) tool and operational guidance using remote sensing image data for informed decision making regarding non-point source pollutants and a systematic approach to water quality protection and planning. $ 250,000
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Kansas State Conservation Commission Wetland Program Development Grants This project is for the design of a watershed-based education plan that will be targeted toward watershed basins listed in the Kansas Water Office Wetlands and Riparian Areas Protection Implementation Plan.  Demonstration projects will be the centerpiece of the plan. $ 343,712
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Mid-America Regional Council Wetland Program Development Grants This project will improve Kansas City regional water resources management on a long-term basis by (1) helping city and county governments interpret, adopt, and implement new erosion and sediment control specifications, stormwater management, and new best management practice manual for stormwater quality; (2) helping local governments adopt the natural resources inventory and green infrastructure planning framework; (3) supporting national pollutant discharge elimination system implementation in more than 40 small communities; (4) enhancing the ecological quality of stream and wetland mitigation projects; (5) strengthening local communities participation in a regional cooperative framework for watershed management; and (6) building local capacity for action and implementation on new directions in stormwater management through training. $ 228,525
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 Iowa Department of Transportation Wetland Program Development Grants Project will improve the ecological effectiveness of Iowa Department of Transportation compensatory wetland mitigation.  Objectives include:  (1) assess and evaluate the ecological performance of mitigation wetlands by completing a landscape scale assessment and intensive biological and chemical measurements on 12 sites, (2) develop performance standards for compensatory mitigation based on reference wetlands, and (3) design (or modify) a rapid assessment tool to improve wetland monitoring and assessment. $ 345,084
EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 University of Nebraska, Agricultural Research and Development Wetland Program Development Grants Project will demonstrate the potential of the Agro-Environmental Trail, a 600-acre tract of land containing multiple ecological niches and agricultural practices to educate the public about natural resources, agricultural environments, and their interaction in eastern Nebraska.  $ 30,791 

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