News and Events

Alchemy in Tanzania? Gas Becomes Solid at Surface of Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano

LengaiGas completely “disappears” into the atmosphere at all other volcanoes on Earth

Science has unearthed the secret to what might have been alchemy at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano in Tanzania. There in the ancient East African Rift Valley at a place known to the local Massai people as the Mountain of God Oldoinyo Lengai spews forth carbon dioxide-laden lavas called carbonatites. The carbonatites line the volcano’s flanks like snowballs.

Photo: Oldoinyo Lengai volcano with recent carbonatite lava flows (white) on the east side of the cone.

H1N1 ‘Swine Flu’ and UNM

The University of New Mexico has issued a statement recommending students return from Mexico and that groups planning an imminent trip to Mexico suspend plans until further notice due to the outbreak of H1N1 influenza, or swine flu.

UNM Announces Summer Reading Selection

Antonio's GunUNM Provost Suzanne Ortega says “Antonio’s Gun and Delfino’s Dream" by acclaimed Los Angeles Times journalist Sam Quinones will be the inaugural work of the Lobo Reading Experience, a summer reading program for UNM Freshmen. Ortega commissioned the development of a freshman reading program at UNM after seeing its positive effects at peer campuses like the University of Missouri and the University of Washington.