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Agricultural Pollution Prevention SoftwareExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Interactive hypertext format and numerous color graphicscreens show how farmers can save money and reduce pollution by sensible use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This generalintroduction to an important field was prepared by real farmers.
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to PesticidesExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Free downloadable publications

EV World Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer- EV World commenced publication officially on January 1, 1998. Our objective is to provide a human face to the topic of sustainable transportation with a focus on the people, as well as the technology. 


Iowa Waste Reduction CenterExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Since 1988, the IWRC has provided environmental solutions for small businesses through on-site reviews, P2 assistance, education, training and applied research.
Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program - The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program(SBEAP) provides small businesses with technical assistance to achieve environmental regulatory compliance. The program supports companies in their effort to prevent pollution and to improve the bottom line by improving the company's environmental performance.
Missouri EnterpriseExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Our mission is to help you enhance your productivity, expand your production, increase your sales and improve your profitability.
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Environmental Assistance OfficeExit EPA Click for Disclaimer EAO helps businesses, farmers, local governments and individuals control or prevent pollution.
Nebraska Manufacturing Extension PartnershipExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is a cooperative effort involving government and education based service organizations that provides business and technical services to manufacturers and processors throughout the State of Nebraska.


CCAR-GreenlinkExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - CCAR is a partnership of industry, education and government collaborating to meet today's environmental challenges.
Pollution Prevention for Auto Repair and Fleet Maintenance - Fact sheets providing complete environmental, technical and economic evaluations of the top pollution prevention "fixes" for auto repair and fleet maintenance operations.

BEESExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The BEES (Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability) software brings to your fingertips a powerful technique for selecting cost-effective, environmentally-preferable building products. 
Green Rider - The Green Rider provides information on EPA's programs that promote environmentally and economically sound building practices.
Greener Practices for Business, Site Development and Site Cleanups: A Toolkit Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - More and more businesses, communities and developers are realizing direct and indirect benefits from embracing greener practices.  A business may reduce its regulatory burden and operating costs by decreasing its environmental emissions or discharges through reduced quantity or toxicity of inputs and wastes.
U.S. Green Building CouncilExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The US Green Building Council is the building industry's only balanced nonprofit consensus coalition promoting the understanding, development and accelerated implementation of "Green Building" policies, programs, technologies, standards and design practices.

 CAGEExit EPA Click for Disclaimer help users  identify low-volatile organic compound/hazardous air pollutant coatings that may serve as drop-in replacements for existing coating operations.

CCAR-GreenlinkExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - CCAR is a partnership of industry, education and government collaborating to meet today's environmental challenges.
ChemAllianceExit EPA Click for Disclaimer ChemAlliance is your source of up-to-date information concerning the environmental regulations affecting the chemical industry. ChemAlliance is operated by a partnership of environmental professionals in academia, government and industry.
National Metal Finishing Resource CenterExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Resource Center is being designed to be the most substantial, comprehensive environmental compliance, technical assistance and pollution prevention information source available.
U.S. EPA Compliance Assistance Links - A listing of the EPA Compliance Assistance Centers and information on contacting EPA Region 7.

US Composting CouncilExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The USCC is a trade and professional organization promoting compost. We provide a unified voice for the growing composting industry.


EMS-PlusExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - EMS-Plus helps you evaluate your EMS based on whether it incorporates components known to promote environmental improvement.
Environmental Management System Publications- A collection of EMS publications developed by the U.S. EPA.
P2PaysExit EPA Click for Disclaimer- This site serves to provide background and technical information regarding the ISO 14000 family of standards, ISO 14001 and Environmental Management Systems.


Brightfields Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Incorporating solar and other renewable energy technologies into the reuse of industrial properties makes economic and environmental sense. This effort can serve as a national, even international model for the kind of development that promotes livable communities. Buy Energy Efficient Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - A consumer guide to buying energy efficient products for the home.

CADDET Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - CADDET stands for Centre for Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies. It is an international information network that helps managers, engineers, architects and researchers find out about renewable energy and energy-saving technologies that have worked in other countries. Consortium for Energy Efficiency Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - CEE is a national, non-profit organization that promotes energy-efficient products and services.
EEREExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The EERE mission is to strengthen America's energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality in public-private partnerships that: Enhance energy efficiency and productivity; Bring clean, reliable and affordable energy technologies to the marketplace; and Make a difference in the everyday lives of Americans by enhancing their energy choices and their quality of life. Efficient Windows CollaborativeExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - This web site provides unbiased information on the benefits of energy-efficient windows, descriptions of how they work, and recommendations for their selection and use.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ClearinghouseExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Your comprehensive resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy information.

Energy GuideExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Advice about today's energy choices. Lower your bills, avoid confusion, and help the earth's environment.
EnergyStar ENERGY STAR offers businesses and consumers energy efficient solutions -- helping to save money while protecting the environment for future generations.

EnergyStar Calculate Your Savings This simple savings tool can help you make the most economical purchases for your facilities by providing an estimate of potential savings.
Home Energy CheckupExit EPA Click for Disclaimer You can select from among 14 kinds of energy efficiency choices, see how much money and pollution you can save, find out where to get energy efficient products, and get tips on how to act on your choices.  Home Energy SaverExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Home Energy Saver is designed to help consumers identify the best ways to save energy in their homes, and find the resources to make the savings happen.
Million Solar RoofsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Million Solar Roofs Initiative is an ambitious plan. But bringing solar energy to a million public and private U.S. rooftops—and the environmental and economic benefits that come with it—is worthy of everyone's attention. Office of Industrial TechnologiesExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Teams of engineering faculty and students from the centers, located at 26 universities around the country, conduct energy audits or industrial assessments and provide recommendations to manufacturers to help them identify opportunities to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy.
Residential Energy Efficiency Software - This program shows effective ways to reduce home energy consumption. Topics include insulation, windows, doors, weather-stripping, and caulking. The expert system feature allows users to calculate how much they will save by making their homes more energy efficient.


California Fuel Cell PartnershipExit EPA Click for Disclaimer- The California Fuel Cell Partnership expects to place up to 60 fuel cell vehicles on the road by the end of 2003. In addition to testing the fuel cell vehicles, the partnership is examining fuel infrastructure issues and beginning to prepare the California market for this new technology.


U.S. EPA Design for the Environment Garment & Textile Care Program - The Design for the Environment (DfE) Garment and Textile Care Program is committed to promoting environmentally  benign alternative technologies for garment and textile care through a systems approach to the development, fabrication, manufacture, distribution, and care of garments and textile products.


 Air Force Center for Environmental ExcellenceExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Welcome to The Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence website. This site provides our customers with a look at the complete range of world class services and products we offer.
Cost Analysis for Pollution PreventionExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Publication that walks you through the process of evaluating the costs and cost savings that may be realized by implementing Pollution Prevention recommendations.
Department of Energy - Office of Industrial TechnologiesExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - OIT creates partnerships among industry, trade groups, government agencies, and other organizations to research, develop, and deliver advanced energy efficiency, renewable energy, and pollution prevention technologies for industrial customers. 
EnviroLinkExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.
Enviro$en$e - Enviro$en$e provides a single repository for pollution prevention, compliance assurance, and enforcement information and data bases.
EPICExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Providing a centralized source of U.S. DOE Pollution Prevention Information and assisting with valuable P2 resources outside of the DOE.
GreenbizExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The nonprofit GreenBiz.com works to harness the power of technology to bring environmental information, resources, and tools to the mainstream business community.
Joint Service Pollution Prevention Technical Library and the "Official" Navy EMS LibraryExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Joint Service P2 Technical Library is the single comprehensive resource for information on equipment, technologies, and management practices that reduce or eliminate the generation, disposal, and release of pollutants at joint service installations. The P2 Technical Library is an excellent source of the lessons learned and success stories throughout the joint services, and is useful for researching pollution prevention
opportunities during P2 plan development and other projects.
Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training ManualExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual represents the effort made by the United States' Department of Energy to provide technical training to a range of potential end users interested in performing industrial assessments at small to medium sized manufacturing plants and the effort of course instructor's to provide the best training methods and materials to the new industrial assessors. Industrial assessments, as discussed in this manual, refer to detailed reviews of existing operations with an eye to improving productivity in any of a number of ways.
National Pollution Prevention RoundtableExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable is the largest membership organization in the United States devoted solely to pollution prevention.
P2 GEMSExit EPA Click for Disclaimer P2 GEMS is an Internet search tool for facility planners, engineers, and managers who are looking for technical, process, and materials management information on the web.
P2RIC (Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center) Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Your gateway for P2 information from and about Region 7 (Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska).

P2 Tech ArchivesExit EPA Click for Disclaimer P2Tech is designed to promote discussions between pollution prevention technical assistance providers about methods for implementing pollution prevention.
University of Nebraska-LincolnExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Welcome to UNL's pollution prevention (P2) home page. You will find information on University projects, programs and resources related to P2. We believe that P2 - trying to reduce or prevent the generation of waste - makes good economic and environmental sense.
SIRI MSDS IndexExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Search for MSDS from the manufacturer or our database. U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention Page - The Office of Polllution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) works to promote pollution prevention both inside and outside the Agency. This is done in several ways, such as using voluntary pollution reduction programs, engaging in partnerships, providing technical assistance, funding demonstration projects and incorporating cost-effective pollution prevention alternatives into regulations and other initiatives. 
U.S. EPA Waste Minimization Page - To encourage waste minimization nationwide, the U.S. EPA worked with representatives from numerous stakeholder organizations to develop the Waste Minimization National Plan , which focuses on reducing the generation and subsequent release to the environment of the most persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals in hazardous wastes. Western Regional Pollution Prevention NetworkExit EPA Click for Disclaimer P2-West is an interactive information exchange network designed to bring you up-to date information on Pollution Prevention/Source Reduction.

Global Warming State Actions List - EPA compiled this database on states actions affecting GHG emissions to enable state decision-makers to obtain information on the types of policies that are under consideration or being implemented by their colleagues.
Voluntary Ozone Reduction Consortium - Council discusses ozone-reducing strategies.

Clean CitiesExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Cities Program supports public-private partnerships that deploy alternative fuel vehicles and build supporting alternative fuel infrastructure. Our site features information about local coalitions and clean corridors, alternative fuel news and events, fleet success stories, support and funding, tips for starting a coalition in your area, available alternative fuel vehicles, related links and more. Local Government Environmental Assistance NetworkExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) is a "first-stop shop" providing environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff.
Ohio EPA Pollution Prevention Regulatory Integration Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer


 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer The mission of ATSDR is to prevent exposure and adverse human health effects and diminished quality of life associatedwith exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites, unplanned releases, and other sources of pollution.

Hospitals and Pollution Prevention Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Hospitals for a Health Environment - The primary goal of the H2E effort is to educate health care professionals about pollution prevention opportunities in hospitals and healthcare systems. Through activities, such as the development of best practices, model plans for total waste management, resource directories, and case studies, the project hopes to provide hospitals and healthcare systems with enhanced tools for minimizing the volumes of waste generated and the use of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals.
Reducing Mercury Use in Healthcare - The purpose of this manual is to help hospitals start mercury pollution prevention programs or accelerate programs that have already begun. New federal regulations greatly reduce the amount of mercury that is allowed to be discharged from a municipal wastewater system or an incinerator. By implementing the best management practices described in this manual, you can reduce the level of mercury in the environment and avoid the need for increased regulations in the years to come.
Sustainable HospitalsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The Sustainable Hospitals Project (SHP) provides technical support to the healthcare industry for selecting products and work practices that eliminate or reduce occupational and environmental hazards, maintain quality patient care, and contain costs.

Buy Energy Efficient Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - A consumer guide to buying energy efficient products for the home.
Home Energy CheckupExit EPA Click for Disclaimer You can select from among 14 kinds of energy efficiency choices, see how much money and pollution you can save, find out where to get energy efficient products, and get tips on how to act on your choices. 
Home Energy SaverExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Home Energy Saver is designed to help consumers identify the best ways to save energy in their homes, and find the resources to make the savings happen.
 P2 For You — the Individual - A significant share of pollution comes from small sources that add up – the cars we drive, the energy we use to heat and light our homes, the water we consume for cleaning and sanitation, and the chemicals we use around the house.  You can reduce those impacts and still live comfortably. In fact, practicing pollution prevention around the house can save you money on utility bills, make your house healthier, improve your yard, and give you another reason to be proud of your home.
Residential Energy Efficiency Software - This program shows effective ways to reduce home energy consumption. Topics include insulation, windows, doors, weather-stripping, and caulking. The expert system feature allows users to calculate how much they will save by making their homes more energy efficient.


Natural Landscaping for Public Officials - Natural landscaping minimizes the environmentally detrimental effects of pesticides and fertilizers, as well as the noise pollution, and the emission of air-polluting substances from lawn-maintenance equipment. It virtually eliminates the need to use water for irrigation as is required for turf grass lawns. While not maintenance free, natural landscaping requires less time and money for ongoing maintenance than conventional landscapes.
Using the Internet for Environmental BenchmarkingExit EPA Click for Disclaimer Whether you are seeking to benchmark the environmental performance of your own firm, or to do market research for consulting services, the Internet can be a useful tool for the environmental professional.

 Mercury in Schools Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - All the information and resources you need to learn about mercury, teach about mercury, and reduce or eliminate its use in your school.
 NEWMOA Mercury Program Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The information resources available in the mercury area of the NEWMOA website are designed to help the NEWMOA states achieve their “virtual elimination” goal for mercury by focusing in particular on efforts to reduce or eliminate mercury from the waste stream.
Reducing Mercury Use in Healthcare - The purpose of this manual is to help hospitals start mercury pollution prevention programs or accelerate programs that have already begun. New federal regulations greatly reduce the amount of mercury that is allowed to be discharged from a municipal wastewater system or an incinerator. By implementing the best management practices described in this manual, you can reduce the level of mercury in the environment and avoid the need for increased regulations in the years to come.

 Metal Finishing
 Metal Finishing Facility Pollution Prevention Assessment Spreadsheet Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer This spreadsheet is designed to present and summarize data from metal finishing operations in a tabular and graphical format to (1) assist in measuring and monitoring facility process operating parameters, (2) facilitate pollution prevention (P2) opportunity identification, and (3) track waste reduction and process efficiency improvements.
National Metal Finishing Resource CenterExit EPA Click for Disclaimer The Resource Center is being designed to be the most substantial, comprehensive environmental compliance, technical assistance and pollution prevention information source available. 

Pollution Prevention News - Pollution Prevention News is a 12-page newsletter  which comes out every two months.
What's New in P2?Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer - This page includes short monthly summaries of P2 news tailored to the Northwest (although many items are of nationwide interest)

Printers' National Environmental Assistance CenterExit EPA Click for Disclaimer This is a communications-based center linking trade, governmental, and university service providers to efficiently provide the most current and complete compliance assistance and pollution prevention information to the printing industry.


TVA Industrial Waste Reduction PublicationsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer a list of reports (abstracts and full text) on various technologies pertaining to industrial waste reduction.
U.S. EPA Region 7 Pollution Prevention Publications - Listings of publications available through EPA Region 7.

EcoMallExit EPA Click for Disclaimer A listing of companies selling "green" products.
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing - Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) is a federal-wide program that encourages and assists Executive agencies in the purchasing of environmentally preferable products and services.
Janitorial Products Pollution Prevention ProjectExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - Each year about six out of every hundred professional janitors are injured by the chemicals that they use.  Burns to the eyes and skin are the most common injuries, followed closely by breathing toxic fumes.  One third of the cleaning chemicals used today have ingredients that can harm you. These ingredients are in products for cleaning glass, restroom fixtures, metal, kitchens, carpets, and hard floors, to name only a few.
Paper Calculator - "The Paper Calculator" calculates the U.S. average energy and wood consumption and environmental releases summed across the full "life cycle" of each of five major grades of paper and paperboard. For a given grade, it allows the user to compare the environmental impacts of papers made with different levels of post-consumer recycled content, ranging from 0% (i.e., virgin paper) to 100%.
America Recycles Day Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer- America Recycles Day (ARD) is a national all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which sponsors this annual campaign with the goal of educating and encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products.  Recycle Iowa Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer- Creating smart business opportunities through recycling.
Recycler's World Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer- Information & Material Exchange Directory  
Bus Emissions Education Program (BEEP)Exit EPA Click for DisclaimerThe Bus Emissions Education Program (BEEP) improves school environmental education while providing each school district specific emissions data on its bus fleet to allow targeted preventative maintenance.  The program began in response to national reports highlighting the effects of diesel exhaust on children.
Energy Smart SchoolsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer- Energy smart schools provide more money for the classroom, a better learning environment, and increased energy awareness.
Green SchoolsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer- The Green Schools Program is a comprehensive educational initiative that encourages physical and behavioral changes within the school as a whole. It combines energy efficiency management and building retrofit intervention with student involvement in planning and implementing schoolwide behavior changes. 

Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program - The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program(SBEAP) provides small businesses with technical assistance to achieve environmental regulatory compliance. The program supports companies in their effort to prevent pollution and to improve the bottom line by improving the company's environmental performance.
 SAGE Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer SAGE is a comprehensive guide designed to provide pollution prevention information on solvent and process alternatives for parts cleaning and degreasing.
 Solvent Substitution Data Systems - A set of tools to assist in identifying safer solvent alternatives.

Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative - The Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative (CCLI) is a voluntary program that establishes a "standard of excellence" in the commuting benefits that an employer (private or public sector) may offer to employees.


Partners for the Environment - Partners set practical, meaningful goals to improve and better protect the environment, from conserving water and energy to reducing hazardous emissions, waste, and pesticide risks.
U.S. EPA Region 7 Voluntary Programs Page - A listing of  EPA voluntary programs with Region 7 contact information.
Facility Manager's Guide to Water ManagementExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - The AMWUA Regional Water Conservation Committee developed this guidebook as a resource to assist in identifying areas where commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities can improve their water use efficiency within reasonable economic parameters. Pollution Prevention for WasteWatersExit EPA Click for Disclaimer - This website, developed by the TNRCC in conjunction with the Texas Water Utilities Association, provides pollution prevention and waste minimization assistance for pollutants normally discharged to wastewater treatment facilities, focusing on top pollutants of concern.



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