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National Compliance Assistance

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EPA's National Compliance Assistance Home Page

Compliance Assistance by Statute
Access to statute-specific documents and tools with information about complying with environmental requirements.

Compliance Assistance Centers
Web sites, telephone assistance lines, and e-mail discussion groups are just a few ways the Centers help facilities understand environmental requirements, find compliance assistance and pollution prevention information and save money.

Auto Recyclers
Auto Repair
Border Compliance
Chemical Process Industries
Construction Industry
Federal Facilities
Local Government
Metal Finishing
Paints & Coatings
Printed Wiring Board

Environmental Compliance Assistance Platform (EnvCAP)

Federal Facilities
Compliance assistance and pollution prevention information specifically designed for federal facilities.

EPA Hotlines and Clearinghouses
EPA sponsors many hotlines and clearinghouses that provide a convenient way to get help.

Healthy School Environments
A gateway to on-line resources for addressing environmental health issues in schools.

Sector Notebooks
Compliance history, federal requirements, pollutants generated and pollution prevention techniques for many industry sectors.

Financing for Environmental Assistance
Information to help communities determine capital asset technical and financial needs.

Small Business Gateway
EPA gateway to environmental information and contacts for small businesses

Small Business Environmental Home Page
Helping small business access compliance and pollution prevention information

National Priorities for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
EPA's national enforcement and compliance assurance program is responsible for maximizing compliance with 10 distinct federal environmental statutes dealing with prevention and control of air pollution, water pollution, hazardous waste, toxic substances, and pesticides.

Guide for Addressing Environmental Problems: Using and Integrated Strategic Approach, March 2007 U.S. EPA (PDF) (115 pp., 5.37 MB, about PDF)
Explaining the concept of the strategic approach and its use to address environmental problems and improve performance. Provides examples and documentation.

EPA's newsletter for compliance assistance (CA) providers. Find articles on EPA's compliance assistance activities, voluntary programs, available tools, and regional successes in using compliance assistance to improve environmental performance.

Compliance Assistance Measurement
Find more about the measures, tools and a methodologies developed for evaluating its efforts in helping the regulated entities comply with federal environmental requirements collecting this information.

Guide for Measuring Compliance Assistance Outcomes, Revised 2007, U.S. EPA (PDF) (167 pp., 2.38 MB, about PDF)
Includes updated descriptions of compliance assistance activities measures and background; updated EPA contacts and web sites on gathering measurement data when an Information Collection Request (ICR) is needed, and cost estimates for statistically valid surveys



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