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Pollution Prevention Resource Information Links

Department of Energy (DOE) Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Exit EPA disclaimer The EPIC is a computer system intended for the exchange of pollution prevention information throughout DOE. The types of information on EPIC include facility pollution prevention opportunity assessments, DOE guidance and policy, project summaries, newsletters, contacts, internet resource listings, and other information relevant to the DOE internal pollution prevention program.

Environmental Organization Web Directory Exit EPA disclaimer An environmental search engine.

Enviro$en$e Enviro$en$e provides a single repository for pollution prevention, compliance assurance, and enforcement information and data bases. Included are pollution prevention case studies, technologies, points of contact, environmental statutes, executive orders, regulations, and compliance and enforcement policies and guidelines. A major component of Enviro$en$e is the database umbrella architecture for solvent alternatives.

National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence (NDCEE) Exit EPA disclaimer NDCEE serves as a national leadership organization to address high priority environmental problems for the Department of Defense (DoD), other government organizations, and the industrial community.

Center for Sustainable Systems Exit EPA disclaimer Created by the U.S. EPA in 1991 to collect, develop, and disseminate educational materials on pollution prevention. Operated by the University of Michigan, the CSS has become the primary clearinghouse for curricular materials, case studies, and research publications related to pollution prevention.

EPA Office of Air and Radiation OAR has a section on energy efficiency and pollution prevention programs in conjunction with its Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs.

Energy Efficiency Links A collection of links to Energy Efficiency resources on the Web including Energy Star® Programs and Global Warming.

Pollution Prevention Yellow Pages Exit EPA disclaimer From the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, includes regional organizations that work with state and local governments; state and local government programs categorized by state; Federal agencies and EPA pollution prevention coordinators; and non-profit groups, private sector organizations, and non-profit consultants who work on pollution prevention.

Partners for the Environment. Through this program, EPA collaborates with over 7,000 organizations, using voluntary goals and commitments to achieve measurable environmental results in a timely and cost-effective way. Small and large businesses, citizen groups, state and local governments, universities and trade associations participate in over 20 different partnership programs.

Pollution Prevention in Colorado Exit EPA disclaimer Offers information on the Pollution Prevention Partnership and technical assistance including free, confidential on-site assessments; telephone consultations; industry-specific fact sheet and case studies; training programs and technical workshops; a resource library; presentations to trade and industrial organizations; program development and support for local governments and tribes; grants for entities involved in providing pollution prevention educational and outreach activities and technical assistance.

Pollution Prevention Research Projects Database Exit EPA disclaimerThe purpose of the Pollution Prevention research Projects Database project is to provide accurate, up-to-date information on pollution prevention research activity and funding opportunities throughout the U.S. in a readily accessible manner. This database will help researchers and funders from duplicating existing efforts, and will give them ideas for projects and for individuals or organizations with which to coordinate in the future. Industry representatives and technical assistance providers can use the database to obtain general information on cutting edge approaches to environmental problems, and to find people with technical expertise in a particular subject area.

Vic Young Pollution Prevention Information Network Exit EPA disclaimer Managed by the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, which is the largest membership organization in the United States devoted solely to pollution prevention. Its mission is to provide a national forum for promoting the development, implementation, and evaluation of efforts to avoid, eliminate, or reduce pollution at the source.

Westinghouse Pollution Prevention Exit EPA disclaimer Waste minimization/pollution prevention information at Hanford National Laboratory, Richland, WA.

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