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Strategy Information

Quick Resources

PESP strategies use a goal-oriented approach focus our cooperative efforts to reduce pests and pesticide risks. These instructions are intended to provide some general guidance as you prepare your strategy. We encourage you involve your PESP liaison as you prepare your strategy.

Your strategy can:


When joining PESP, all members affirmed that environmental stewardship was an integral part of pest management and that you would work toward pest management practices that reduce the risks to humans and the environment. To help realize the over-arching risk reduction goal of PESP, we ask that you think about your efforts in a five-year timeframe.

We would like you tell us:

We do not expect your goals to change annually; however, it is important that you reassess them regularly to be sure they still fit your organization’s situation. If your pesticide issues/goals changed substantially over the past year, it would be important to reassess your PESP strategy. Your strategies and tactics should easily flow from your goals and lay out the path you will take over the next five years to achieve your goals.


In the tactics section, describe the efforts that your organization will make in the coming five years to attain your risk reduction goals. For example, if your goal is to implement IPM, one of your tactics could be to educate your members on a specific IPM technique.

We ask that you look at tactics that can affect change within five years. For longer-term or more open-ended goals, the tactic you report may be only a single phase of a multi-phase effort.

In addition to describing the tactic, we ask that you indicate how it links with your organizational goals and how it will ultimately reduce pesticide risk. While the expected impacts of some projects may be obvious, other projects may impact risk in more subtle or distant ways.

Finally, tell us how you will measure the success of each tactic. Ideally, you will be able to measure the actual change that occurs as a result of your activities. We realize that, in practice, this may be very challenging. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to devise tactics with measurable impacts.

Submitting Your New Strategy

Future Reporting

While your strategy will be in place for five years, we will ask you to submit a brief annual report describing the outcomes of your tactics and the progress toward your stated goals. Your liaison will play an active role in this reporting process.

Annual reporting gives you the opportunity to highlight your successes, document your challenges, and share your lessons learned.

Your reports should quantify your progress whenever possible. Quantifiable information will give us a better picture of your accomplishments and provide us with a way of measuring the success of PESP as a whole.

Your strategy will be live for five years following its submission. At any time during those years, you will have the opportunity to submit a revised strategy or to restate your goals or tactics.

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