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Mayfield City School District's PESP Strategy

Describe your Organization’s Five-Year Goals Related to Pesticide Risk Reduction

Mayfield City School District will continue utilizing Integrated Pest Managment Strategies, using least toxic control measures first. It is our goal to substantially reduce the amount of pesticides used by practicing good sanitation, monitoring for pest activity, continuation of custodial staff training and a board approved policy as it relates to IPM.

What do you envision doing (broadly) to try to resolve your major issues?

We are currently undergoing a substantial district renovation program and have made it mandatory that pest proofing be part of all specifications that effect the building envelope.

Goal 1 and Tactics

Our first goal is the continued reduction of pesticide use in our school buildings. We will continue to do this utilzing least toxic control measures first and logging monitoring station activity. We will continue to track the use of pesticides, if any, and through our IPM program it is our goal to demonstrate a reduction of not only pesticides, but the overall reduction of pests as well, using best practices as our benchmark for success.

While there may be a reduction in costs with our program our main goal is providing a healthy, safe and clean indoor environment for all students and staff members that enter our buildings.

The EPA has been a great help in providing school systems with the information necessary to facilitate a sustainable IPM program.

Goal 2 and Tactics

Our second goal will be full compliance with the State of Ohio's new House Bill 264 (Jarod's Law) which has a specific section that pertains to IPM. We will attain this through our diligence in the district's current IPM program. We will be able to demonstrate success with this goal through the onsite inspections conducted by our local health department.

Goal 3 and Tactics

Implementation of a Board approved IPM policy. Currently Mayfield City School District operates an IPM program. In our effort to maintain sustainability well into the future we will submit our program for board approval.

Goal 4 and Tactics

Placing all forms associated with school IPM on the district's website. It is our goal to provide the custodial staff ready access to all forms associated with our IPM program. This would provide us with electronic documentation that would reduce the amount of time and paperwork needed to maintain an effective program. It would also make it easier to develop spread sheets and histories, providing us with data to track our successes and areas where improvement may be needed.

If the EPA had the resources to develop IPM form criteria for schools that would be available in either a word or pdf it may prove helpful to many school districts that are involved in or are pursuing an IPM program.

We will be able to determine our success by customer(custodial) satisfaction and the feedback we may receive from other staff members. Having IPM information on our webpage may also assist us in educating staff, students, and parents over the importance of good sanitation.

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