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Low Input Viticulture and Enology (LIVE) of Oregon's PESP Strategy

Describe your Organization’s Five-Year Goals Related to Pesticide Risk Reduction

LIVE is continually exploring new ways to reduce vineyard managers’ use of harmful incecticides, fungicides, miticides, and herbicides. LIVE certified members minimize off-farm inputs and are rewarded via a scorecard point system for implementing eco-friendly solutions their pest problems. Members are also required to submit spray and calibration records so as to be as responsible as possible when using pesticides.

The conversion of conventionally farming vineyard managers to LIVE members is paramount to the reduction of pesticides in this area. To that end, in the next five years we plan on developing and implementing a winery certification program to compliment our vineyard certification. A winery that is LIVE certified will have to use a large percentage of fruit that is LIVE certified, therefore influencing more vineyards to participate in our program. A direct result of this increase in LIVE memberships will be the decline of conventional non-sustainable farming methods in our region.

What do you envision doing (broadly) to try to resolve your major issues?

It is entirely possible to overcome major pest problems in the vineyard through the encouragement of biodiversity, presence of natural predators and beneficial insects, and responsible minimal use of chemicals when necessary. A major part of LIVE’s focus will be on training current and potential members in the use of these sustainable methods. LIVE will also expand its recruiting efforts into eastern and southern Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. LIVE will also continue to leverage its partnership with Salmon-Safe (www.salmon-safe.org) to promote eco-friendly watershed management vis-à-vis pesticide runoff reduction, through brand marketing in retail spaces. Through this partnership, we will conduct ecological surveys of LIVE vineyards that can be quantitatively analyzed to show major reductions in pesticide use and harmful effects on surrounding ecosystems.

Goal 1 and Tactics


Analysis of the efficacy of LIVE vineyard practices in the reduction of pesticides in Oregon and the broader northwest.


The development of a paperless annual reporting system that feeds into a database. This database will provide robust data that can be analyzed to show pesticide reduction programs in concert with environmentally and economically healthy vineyards in the northwest. Success will be determined by a deliverable of one year’s worth of raw data. EPA may be able to aid in analysis of this data and development of the database to include fields applicable to PESP’s needs. Deliverable would be a report showcasing quantitative analysis of current LIVE member vineyard information in a meaningful, useful format.

Goal 2 and Tactics


Analysis of the efficacy of LIVE vineyard practices vs. conventional farming methods as they apply to watershed management.


In 2007 LIVE conducted a pilot study of sustainably-farmed vineyard as compared to a non-managed wilderness area. This study focused primarily on pond samples and act as a baseline from which to conduct future studies to determine the health of LIVE certified sites. In the coming years we will be conducting these follow-up studies during critical points in the growing cycle, including pond sampling after pesticide remobilization by winter rains (Nov/Dec), plant surveys in peak bloom (early summer), etc. Deliverable would be a report showcasing quantitative analysis of these studies.

Goal 3 and Tactics


Increase in LIVE membership by 15% per year over the next 5 years.


Development of effective recruitment materials and rollout of these materials through a contracted recruiter dedicated to just this task. Currently recruitment is performed by the same contractor who performs inspections. Recruitment should also be expanded to include grape growing regions of eastern and southern Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Show value in LIVE certification through collaboration with the Oregon Wine Board marketing surveys and promotions. Deliverable implied in goal.

Goal 4 and Tactics


The development of a winery certification to compliment the vineyard certification


Work with winemakers and winery owners to develop and economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable certification program. Develop standards to compliment the vineyard certification. Use examples from around the world and form strategic partnerships with food processor certifying agencies to help. This demand-side approach will increase the need for LIVE certified fruit, and therefore increase the number of sustainably farmed vineyards, reducing pesticide use and adverse effects throughout the northwest. Deliverable would be a road-ready winery certification with administrative support plan after 1 year, and successfully implemented program after 5 years.

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