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Cass County Vector Control's 2006 Strategy

Strategic Approach

Cass County Vector Control will reduce pesticide risk in 2006 by:

Limiting the number of employees responsible for mixing products, loading equipment, and conducting inventory; Increasing mosquito larviciding efforts, ultimately reducing the need for adult control; Increasing education in the community as it relates to mosquito control; and Using biologically friendly control products.

Activity 1

Larvicide beginning in April with 150 day methoprene briquettes.

How does this activity reduce pesticide risk?

Methoprene, at the rate applied, causes minimal harm to nontarget organisms. Less treatments would be needed in a season using a 150 day product compared to the 30 day product. Organophosphates used in the past would be replaced, resulting in safer conditions for employees.

How will you measure the risk reduction gained from this activity?

Analyze trap counts in rural areas where the briquettes were applied. Note that there were less applications in end of the season reports and inventory.

Activity 2

Educate vendors that sell mosquito control products to homeowners. We will prepare an informational packet to distribute to vendors.

How does this activity reduce pesticide risk?

Vendors that sell pesticides in the county would be better informed, thus preparing them to answer questions from residents.

How will you measure the risk reduction gained from this activity?

Monitor phone calls from residents in 2006 to determine if we receive less questions about available products than we received in 2005.

Activity 3

Publish mosquito control information in the local newspaper.

How does this activity reduce pesticide risk?

Residents will be better informed of what mosquito control efforts are taking place in the community. It may answer questions that many of them have about pesticides used by Cass County. These articles could be used to guide residents to websites and other informational resources.

How will you measure the risk reduction gained from this activity?

Monitor phone call reduction, website hits, public comment.

Activity 4

Keep a weekly in depth inventory of materials and equipment. Allow only supervisors and equipment technician to mix gas or pesticides.

How does this activity reduce pesticide risk?

Inventory would show loss of equipment and identify maintenance needs on a regular basis. Inventory of chemical would identify over or under use of products. Any product loss could be determined during inventory. Restricting mixing and loading will minimize human error.

How will you measure the risk reduction gained from this activity?

More accurate end of the season record of material usage and equipment maintenance. Compare the amount of chemical used to the number of acres treated to ensure proper treatment rates.

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