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2002 Individual Exemptions (Page 1)

Asset-Backed Securities

Grant; PTE 2002-41


G: 67 FR 54487 (08/22/02)

P: 67 FR 36028 (05/22/02)

Bear Stearns & Co. Inc., Prudential Securities Inc., et al.

Amends certain of the “Underwriter Exemptions,” which are individual exemptions that provide relief for the origination and operation of certain asset pool investment trusts and the acquisition, holding and disposition by employee benefit plans (the Plans) of certain asset-backed pass-through certificates representing undivided interests in those investment trusts. The amendment permits the trustee of the trust to be an affiliate of the underwriter of the certificates and is effective as of August 23, 2000.

Grant; PTE 2002-19


G: 67 FR 14979 (03/28/02)

P: 67 FR 2699 (01/18/02)

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and its Affiliates (collectively, the Applicants)

Amends, effective March 13, 2002, PTE 90-23 (55 FR 20545, May 17, 1990), issued to J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc.; PTE 90-31 (55 FR 23144, June 6, 1990), issued to Chase Manhattan Bank; and PTE 90-33 (55 FR 23151, June 6, 1990), issued to Chemical Banking Corporation. These exemptions all permitted transactions involving the operation of certain asset pool investment trusts and the acquisition, holding and disposition by employee benefit plans of certificates or debt instruments that are issued by such trusts with respect to which one of the Applicants is the lead underwriter or a co-managing underwriter. The amendment permits the trustee of such investment trust to be an affiliate of the underwriter.

Credit Facility Arrangement

Grant; PTE 2002-55


G: 67 FR 79655 (12/30/02)

P: 67 FR 62818 (10/08/02)

Fidelity Management Trust Company and Its Affiliates (collectively, Fidelity)

Permits certain lines of credit and the loan and repayment of funds, including accrued interest thereunder, involving certain employee benefit plans with respect to which Fidelity acts as directed trustee, investment manager or other administrative service provider.

Grant; PTE 2002-52


G: 67 FR 72234 (12/04/02

P: 67 FR 59558 (09/23/02)

Bank of America (BofA)

Permits, effective July 30, 1998, (1) the granting to BofA by the Westbrook Real Estate Fund III, L.P. (the LP), a Delaware Limited Partnership, of a first, exclusive and prior security interest in the capital commitments, reserve amounts and capital contributions (Capital Contributions), whether now owned or after-acquired, of certain employee benefit plans (Plans) investing in the LP; (2) the collateral assignment and pledge by the LP to BofA of its security interest in each Plan’s limited partnership interest, whether now owned or after-acquired; (3) the granting by the LP of a first, exclusive and prior security interest in a borrower collateral account to which all Capital Contributions will be deposited when paid; (4) the proposed granting to BofA by the General Partner of the LP of its right to make calls for cash contributions (Drawdowns) under the LP’s Partnership Agreement, where BofA is the representative of certain lenders (the Lenders) which will fund a so-called “credit facility” providing credit to the LP, and the Lenders are parties in interest with respect to the Plans; and (5) the execution of a partner agreement and estoppel under which the Plans agree to honor the Drawdowns.

Grant; PTE 2002-01


G: 67 FR 1242 (01/09/02)

P: 66 FR 46830 (09/07/01)

Key Trust Company of Ohio (Key Trust)

Permits (1) the making of interest-free loans to a defined contribution plan (the Plan) by its respective sponsor (the Plan Sponsor) pursuant to the terms of a credit facility arrangement, established by Key Trust and its affiliates (collectively, KeyBank), which enables daily transactions, such as participant investment transfers, distributions or participant loans, in connection with the Plan’s unitized employer stock fund (the Fund) maintained by KeyBank; and (2) the repayment, by the Plan to the Plan Sponsor, of any interest-free loan within 90 days with cash proceeds received from the sale of employer stock held in the Fund.


Grant; PTE 2002-42


G: 67 FR 56594 (09/04/02)

P: 67 FR 41506 (06/18/02)

Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company (Provident)

Permits (1) the initial issuance, by Provident, of its common stock (Provident Shares) to the conversion agent (the Conversion Agent), as stockholder of record, on behalf of any eligible policyholder of Provident (the Eligible Member), including any Eligible Member which is an employee benefit plan (within the meaning of section 3(3) of the Act), an individual retirement annuity (within the meaning of section 408 or 408A of the Code) or a tax sheltered annuity (within the meaning of section 403(b) of the Code) (each, a Plan), including a Plan sponsored by Provident for Provident employees (a Provident Plan); and (2) the exchange, by the Conversion Agent, of Provident Shares for common stock (Sponsor Class A Shares) issued by Nationwide Financial Services, Inc., or, the receipt of cash or policy credits by an Eligible Member, in exchange for such Eligible Member's membership interest in Provident or in connection with the merger between Provident and the Eagle Acquisition Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sponsor, in accordance with the terms of a plan of conversion (the Plan of Conversion) and merger agreement (the Merger Agreement), adopted by Provident and implemented pursuant to the Pennsylvania Insurance Company Mutual-to-Stock Conversion Act.

In addition, the restrictions of section 406(a)(1)(E) and (a)(2) and section 407(a)(2) of the Act do not apply to the receipt and holding, by a Provident Plan, of Sponsor Class A Shares, whose fair market value exceeds 10 percent of the value of the total assets held by such Plan.

Grant; PTE 2002-09


G: 67 FR 5316 (02/05/02)

P: 66 FR 49408 (09/27/01)

Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential Insurance)

Permits, effective September 27, 2001, (1) the receipt of shares of common stock (the Common Stock) issued by Prudential Financial, Inc. or (2) the receipt of cash or policy credits by any eligible policyholder of Prudential Insurance which is an employee benefit plan (the Plan), including Plans sponsored by Prudential Insurance and/or its affiliates for the benefit of their own employees, in exchange for such Eligible Policyholder's mutual membership interest in Prudential Insurance, pursuant to a plan of conversion adopted by Prudential Insurance and implemented in accordance with section 17:17C-2 of the New Jersey Insurance Law. Also permits, effective September 27, 2001, the receipt and holding, by the Prudential Welfare Plan, of Common Stock whose fair market value exceeds 10 percent of the fair market value of the total assets held by such Plan.

Employer Securities Involved

Grant; PTE 2002-42


G: 67 FR 56594 (09/04/02)

P: 67 FR 41506 (06/18/02)

See summary for Provident under Demutualization.

Grant; PTE 2002-09


G: 67 FR 5316 (02/05/02)

P: 66 FR 49408 (09/27/01)

See summary for Prudential Insurance under Demutualization.


Grant; PTE 2002-07


G: 67 FR 2687 (01/18/02)

P: 66 FR 49415 (09/27/01)

See summary for Ford under In Kind Redemptions.

Exercise Of Renewal Options

Grant; PTE 2002-53


G: 67 FR 72234 (12/04/02)

P: 67 FR 59562 (09/23/02)

See summary for the Raimondo Pension Plan under Lease by Plan of Real Property.


Grant; PTE 2002-18


G: 67 FR 13371 (03/22/02)

P: 67 FR 2689 (01/18/02)

See summary for the Smart Chevrolet Plan under Loans by Plan.

Grant; PTE 2002-08


G: 67 FR 2688 (01/18/02)

P: 66 FR 46843 (09/07/01)

See summary for MSDW&Co. under Securities Lending – “Trio-Type” Transactions.

Index And Model-Driven Funds

Grant; PTE 2002-27


G: 67 FR 36031 (05/22/02)

P: 67 FR 2692 (01/18/02)

Prudential Insurance Company of America and Its Affiliates (collectively, Prudential)

Permits, effective December 13, 2001, the acquisition, holding and disposition of common stock issued by Prudential Financial, Inc. and/or common stock issued by a Prudential affiliate by Index and Model-Driven Funds that are managed by Prudential, in which client-plans of Prudential invest.

Grant; PTE 2002-03


G: 67 FR 1243 (01/09/02)

P: 66 FR 49400 (09/27/01)

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife Insurance) and its Affiliates (collectively, MetLife)

Permits, for the period from December 7, 2000 until January 9, 2002, the acquisition, holding and disposition of the common stock of MetLife, Inc. (the parent of MetLife Insurance) by Index and Model-Driven Funds that are managed by MetLife, in which client-plans of MetLife invest.

In Kind Contribution To Plan

Grant; PTE 2002-24


G: 67 FR 20836 (04/26/02)

P: 67 FR 9092 (02/27/02)

Carl Mundy, Jr. Defined Benefit Plan (the Plan)

Permits the proposed contribution(s) to the Plan of shares (the Shares) of Schering-Plough Corporation to be received annually by Carl Mundy, Jr., a disqualified person with respect to the Plan, as compensation in the form of Shares in lieu of cash.

In Kind Purchases

Grant; PTE 2002-28


G: 67 FR 39063 (06/06/02)

P: 66 FR 64464 (12/13/01)

Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company (MassMutual)

Permits (1) for the period from April 1, 1995 until June 6, 2002 and for the period after June 6, 2002, the purchase, by an employee benefit plan (the Client Plan) (directly or through a single customer or pooled separate account or other pooled vehicle), of shares of one or more diversified open-end management investment companies (Fund or Funds) in exchange for Client Plan assets transferred in-kind to a Fund from a single customer or pooled separate account or other pooled vehicle holding plan assets maintained by MassMutual (a Separate Account), where MassMutual or its affiliate is the Fund's investment adviser and a Client Plan fiduciary; (2) permits, for the period from April 1, 1995 until June 6, 2002 and for the period after June 6, 2002, the receipt of fees by MassMutual from the Funds for acting as an investment adviser for such Funds, as well as for providing other services to the Funds, which are "Secondary Services," in connection with the investment by the Client Plans for which MassMutual serves as a fiduciary in shares of the Funds.

Grant; PTE 2002-21


G: 67 FR 14988 (03/28/02)

P: 67 FR 5307 (02/05/02)

O: 67 FR 36037 (05/22/02) (Tech. Corr.)

Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO)

Permits, effective February 5, 2002, an employee benefit plan (the Plan), whose assets are managed by PIMCO, as trustee, investment manager or discretionary fiduciary, to purchase shares of one or more open-end management investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to which PIMCO or any affiliate of PIMCO serves as an investment adviser and may provide other services, in exchange for securities held by the Plan in an account (the Account) or sub-Account) with PIMCO.

In Kind Redemptions

Grant; PTE 2002-20


G: 67 FR 14986 (03/28/02)

P: 67 FR 354 (01/03/02)

Union Bank of California (UBOC)

Permits, effective June 15, 2001, certain in kind redemptions by the Union Bank of California Retirement Plan or any other employee benefit plan established by UBOC or an affiliate of UBOC of shares of proprietary mutual funds offered by the HighMark Fund or other investment companies for which HighMark Capital Management, Inc. or an affiliate thereof provides investment advisory or other services.

Grant; PTE 2002-07


G: 67 FR 2687 (01/18/02)

P: 66 FR 49415 (09/27/01)

Ford Motor Company (Ford)

Permits, effective August 4, 2000, (1) the receipt by the Ford-UAW Benefits Trust (the VEBA) of approximately $2.9 billion of certain securities (the Partnership Securities) pursuant to the redemption by the VEBA of its interest in the Ford Enhanced Investment Partnership and the Ford Super-Enhanced Investment Partnership; and (2) the transfer of the Partnership Securities by the VEBA to Ford in exchange for the transfer of approximately $2.9 billion of certain Ford-owned securities to the VEBA.

Lease By Plan Of Real Property

Grant; PTE 2002-54


G: 67 FR 72236 (12/04/02)

P: 67 FR 62824 (10/08/02)

J. Penner Corporation Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits (1) the sale of certain improved real property (the Property) by Thomas G. Frazier and Carol G. Frazier to their respective participant directed individual investment accounts (the Accounts) in the Plan; and (2) the simultaneous lease of the Property by the Accounts to J. Penner Corporation, the Plan’s sponsor and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE 2002-53


G: 67 FR 72234 (12/04/02)

P: 67 FR 59562 (09/23/02)

A. Raimondo Inc. Pension Plan (the Plan)

Permits, effective May 1, 2002, (1) the past and continued leasing (the Lease) of certain improved real property by the Plan to A. Raimondo Inc. (the Employer), a party in interest with respect to the Plan; and (2) the exercise, by the Employer, of options to renew the Lease, for two additional terms.

Loans By Plan

Grant; PTE 2002-18


G: 67 FR 13371 (03/22/02)

P: 67 FR 2689 (01/18/02)

Smart Chevrolet Co. Employees’ Profit Sharing Retirement Plan

Temporarily permits, until September 16, 2007, (1) the secured loans by the Plan to Motors Finance Company (Motors), a party in interest with respect to the Plan; and (2) the guaranty of such loans by the individual partners of Motors.

Loan To Plan

Grant; PTE 2002-55


G: 67 FR 79655 (12/30/02)

P: 67 62818 (10/08/02)

See summary for Fidelity under Credit Facility Arrangement.

Grant; PTE 2002-37


G: 67 FR 54482 (08/22/02)

P: 67 FR 39051 (06/06/02)

Adams Wood Products, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits (1) a non-interest bearing loan by Adams Wood Products, Inc. (AWP), the Plan sponsor, to the Plan to reimburse the Plan for losses incurred concerning past investments by the Plan in certain promissory notes (the Notes); and (2) the potential repayment by the Plan to AWP of certain moneys if the Plan recovers any of the investments in the Notes.

Grant; PTE 2002-01


G: 67 FR 1242 (01/09/02)

P: 66 FR 46830 (09/07/01)

See summary for Key Trust under Credit Facility Arrangement.

Performance Compensation

Grant; PTE 2002-36


G: 67 FR 51886 (08/09/02)

P: 67 FR 39053 (06/06/02)

See summary for TBFC under Purchase by Plan of Partnership Interest.

Pooled Fund – Mutual Fund

Grant; PTE 2002-28


G: 67 FR 39063 (06/06/02)

P: 66 FR 64464 (12/13/01)

See summary for Massachusetts Mutual under In Kind Purchases.

Grant; PTE 2002-20


G: 67 FR 14986 (03/28/02)

P: 67 FR 354 (01/03/02)

See summary for the UBOC under In Kind Redemptions.

Grant; PTE 2002-21


G: 67 FR 14988 (03/28/02)

P: 67 FR 5307 (02/05/02)

See summary for PIMCO under In Kind Purchases.

Grant; PTE 2002-17


G: 67 FR 13366 (03/22/02)

P: 66 FR 64472 (12/13/01)

O: 67 FR 14986 (03/28/02) (Tech. Corr.)

See summary for State Farm under Purchase by Plan of Other Assets.

Purchase By Plan Of Employer Securities

Grant; PTE 2002-23

D-11017 through D-11023

G: 67 FR 20835 (04/26/02)

P: 67 FR 359 (01/03/02)

Cargill, Incorporated and Associated Companies Salaried Employees’ Pension Plan, et al.

Permits, effective October 18, 1996, (1) the acquisition and holding of certain shares of Cargill, Incorporated common stock (the Common Stock) by the Cargill, Incorporated and Associated Companies Master Trust (the Master Trust); and (2) the acquisition, holding and, where relevant, exercise by the Master Trust of a certain irrevocable put option associated with the Common Stock.

Grant; PTE 2002-06


G: 67 FR 2686 (01/18/02)

P: 66 FR 46837 (09/07/01)

Brookshire Brothers, Ltd. (Brookshire)

Permits, effective November 19, 1999, the establishment by Brookshire of a minimum price guarantee for the valuation and purchase by Brookshire of “Profit Sharing Stock” owned by the Brookshire Brothers Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the ESOP). (“Profit Sharing Stock” is defined as the 600,182 shares of the common stock of Brookshire’s parent company, which were transferred from Brookshire’s Profit Sharing Plan to the ESOP on November 19, 1999.)

Purchase By Plan Of Other Assets

Grant; PTE 2002-50


G: 67 FR 69571 (11/18/02)

P: 67 FR 51880 (08/09/02)

Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA)

Permits (1) the purchase, by a welfare plan (the Plan), whose hospital sponsor is a member of CHCA, of third party insurance, through CHCA, the broker of record and a party in interest with respect to such Plan; and (2) the receipt of an insurance sales commission by CHCA from the third party insurance company, in connection with the purchase of an insurance policy with the assets of the Plan.

Grant; PTE 2002-17


G: 67 FR 13366 (03/22/02)

P: 66 FR 64472 (12/13/01)

O: 67 FR 14986 (03/28/02) (Tech. Corr.)

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. and State Farm VP Management Corp. (the Applicants)

Permits, as of May 1, 2001, the purchase or redemption of an institutional class of shares of State Farm mutual funds (the Funds) by pension plans, which are established by: (1) independent contractor agents (the Agents) of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company or its affiliates, who are also registered representatives of State Farm VP Management Corp, for themselves and their employees; and (2) the family members (the Family Members) of such Agents.

The Applicants determined that the transactions were not covered by PTCE 77-3 (42 FR 18734, April 8, 1974) because the Agents and their Family Members were not affiliated persons of any of the Funds, investment advisers to any of the Funds or principal underwriters of such Funds within the meaning of section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. The Applicants also determined that the subject transactions were not covered by PTCE 77-4 (42 FR 18732, April 8, 1974) because the investment adviser of the Funds was not a fiduciary of the Plans. However, because the transactions appeared to parallel the transactions contemplated by PTCEs 77-3 and 77-4, comparable exemptive relief was requested.

Purchase By Plan Of Other Securities

Grant; PTE 2002-22

D-10891 through L-10893

G: 67 FR 20834 (04/26/02)

P: 67 FR 5305 (02/05/02)

Connecticut Plumbers and Pipefitters Pension Fund (the Pension Fund); Connecticut Pipe Trades Local No. 777Annuity Fund (the Annuity Fund); and Connecticut Pipe Trades Health Fund (the Health Fund; collectively, the Funds)

Permits, effective September 1, 1999, the purchase (the Purchase) by the Health Fund of the common stock of Employee Benefit Administrators, Inc. From Michael W. Daly and Virginia S. Daly, parties in interest with respect to the Health Fund, and the subsequent reallocation of the Purchase price among the Funds, including “makewhole” payments representing lost earnings in connection with the Purchase.

Grant; PTE 2002-16


G: 67 FR 13366 (03/22/02)

P: 67 FR 351 (01/03/02)

Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated (MS&Co)

Permits, effective September 16, 1998, the acquisition, on behalf of the Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund (the Fund), of certain Argentine bonds from MS&Co, a party in interest with respect to the Fund, by the Capital Asset Trust, at the direction of Alliance Capital Management L.P., an investment manager for the Fund.

Purchase By Plan Of Partnership Interest

Grant; PTE 2002-36


G: 67 FR 51886 (08/09/02)

P: 67 FR 39053 (06/06/02)

The Banc Funds Company, LLC (TBFC)

Permits, effective June 19, 2002, (1) the purchase or redemption of interests in the Banc Fund VI L.P. (the Partnership) by employee benefit plans (the Plans) investing in the Partnership, where TBFC, a party in interest with respect to the Plans, is the general partner of MidBanc VI, L.P., which is, in turn, the general partner (the General Partner) of the Partnership;  (2) the sale, for cash or other consideration, by the Partnership of certain securities that are held as Partnership assets to a party in interest with respect to a Plan participating in the Partnership, where the party in interest proposes to acquire or merge with the portfolio company that issued such securities; and (3) the payment to the General Partner, by Plans participating in the Partnership, of an incentive fee which is intended to reward the General Partner for the superior performance of investments in the Partnership.

Purchase By Plan Of Personal Property

Grant; PTE 2002-05


G: 67 FR 1247 (01/09/02)

P: 66 FR 53637 (10/23/01)

Alaska United Food and Commercial Workers Health and Security Trust Fund (the Plan)

Permits, effective August 1, 2000, the purchase by Plan participants and beneficiaries of prescription drugs from Safeway, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Purchase By Plan Of Real Property

Grant; PTE 2002-54


G: 67 FR 72236 (12/04/02)

P: 67 FR 62824 (10/08/02)

J. Penner Corporation Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits (1) the sale of certain improved real property (the Property) by Thomas G. Frazier and Carol G. Frazier to their respective participant directed individual investment accounts (the Accounts) in the Plan; and (2) the simultaneous lease of the Property by the Accounts to J. Penner Corporation, the Plan’s sponsor and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE 2002-49


G: 67 FR 69570 (11/18/02)

P: 67 FR 51878 (08/09/02)

Twin City Iron Workers Apprenticeship and Training Fund (the Trust Fund)

Permits, effective May 22, 2000, the past purchase of a certain parcel of unimproved real property by the Trust Fund from the Twin City Union No. 512 of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Workers, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Trust Fund.

Purchase By Plan Of Real Property Interest

Grant; PTE 2002-34


G: 67 FR 42080 (06/20/02)

P: 67 FR 20839 (04/26/02)

Louisville Electrical Joint Apprentice and Training Committee Trust Fund (the Fund)

Permits the purchase by the Fund of an interest in a condominium regime from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 369 Building Corporation, a party in interest with respect to the Fund.

Put Option Transactions

Grant; PTE 2002-23

D-11017 through D-11023

G: 67 FR 20835 (04/26/02)

P: 67 FR 359 (01/03/02)

See summary for State Farm under Purchase by Plan of Employer Securities.


Grant; PTE 2002-31


G: 67 FR 42072 (06/20/02)

P: 67 FR 15230 (03/29/02)

Deutsche Bank A.G. (Deutsche Bank)

Deutsche Bank was granted relief similar to that provided to a qualified professional asset manager (QPAM) under Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 84-14 (PTCE 84-14). Deutsche Bank could not rely on the relief provided by PTCE 84-14, because the class exemption does not permit a foreign bank to act as a QPAM. The administrative exemption for Deutsche Bank contains conditions similar to those in PTCE 84-14 and also contains conditions designed to minimize the risks associated with Deutsche Bank's foreign nationality.

Specifically, the exemption permits (1) transactions between parties in interest with respect to a plan and an investment fund in which such plan has an interest, if the assets in which such fund are managed by Deutsche Bank; (2) the sale, leasing, servicing of goods, or the furnishing of services to an investment fund managed by Deutsche Bank by an employer or an affiliate, and the leasing of office or commercial space by such investment fund to an employer or an affiliate where plans sponsored by such employer or an affiliate have an interest in such fund; (3) the leasing of office or commercial space by an investment fund managed by Deutsche Bank to Deutsche Bank or a person who is a party in interest of a plan by virtue of a relationship to Deutsche Bank, as described in section 3(14)(G), (H) or (I) of the Act, or a person not eligible for the general exemption set forth in Part I of the final exemption by reason of the authority to appoint or terminate Deutsche Bank as a manager of any of the plan's assets, or to negotiate the terms of the management agreement with Deutsche Bank (including renewals or modifications thereof) on behalf of such plan, during the one year period preceding the transaction; and (4) the furnishing of services and facilities (and goods incidental thereto) by a place of public accommodation owned by an investment fund which is managed by Deutsche Bank to a party in interest with respect to a plan having an interest in such fund. The exemption is effective from June 12, 2001 through July 27, 2009.

Grant; PTE 2002-25


G: 67 FR 20836 (04/26/02)

P: 67 FR 9093 (02/27/02)

HSBC Holdings PLC (HSBC)

Permits HSBC Asset Management Americas, Inc., HSBC Asset Management Hong Kong, Ltd., HSBC Bank USA, and any current affiliate of HSBC that is eligible to serve or becomes eligible to serve as a qualified professional asset manager (a QPAM) under PTE 84-14, HSBC itself, if in the future it becomes a QPAM, and any newly-acquired or newly established affiliate of HSBC that is a QPAM or in the future becomes a QPAM, other than Republic New York Securities Corporation (RNYSC), to function as a QPAM, pursuant to the terms and conditions of PTE 84-14, for the period beginning on December 17, 2001, and ending April 26, 2012, solely because of a failure to satisfy Section I(g) of PTE 84-14, as a result of an affiliation with RNYSC.

Receipt Of Fees

Grant; PTE 2002-50


G: 67 FR 69571 (11/18/02)

P: 67 FR 51880 (08/09/02)

See summary for CHCA under Receipt of Fees.

Grant; PTE 2002-48


G: 67 FR 62827 (10/08/02)

P: 67 FR 44625 (07/03/02)

See summary for Deutsche Bank under Securities Lending – “Plan B” –Type Transactions.

Grant; PTE 2002-46


G: 67 FR 59569 (09/23/02)

P: 67 FR 9082 (02/27/02)

O: 67 FR 69046 (11/14/02) (Tech. Corr.)

See summary for BGI under Securities Lending – “Plan A” –Type Transactions.

Grant; PTE 2002-45


G: 67 FR 59564 (09/23/02)

P: 67 FR 9070 (02/27/02)

O: 67 FR 69046 (11/14/02) (Tech. Corr.)

See summary for DB under Securities Lending – “Plan A”-Type Transactions.

Grant; PTE 2002-44


G: 67 FR 56597 (09/04/02)

P: 67 FR 44633 (07/03/02)

See summary for Goldman under Securities Lending – “Plan B”-Type Transactions.

Grant; PTE 2002-36


G: 67 FR 51886 (08/09/02)

P: 67 FR 39053 (06/06/02)

See summary for TBFC under Purchase by Plan of Partnership Interest.

Grant; PTE 2002-33


G: 67 FR 42077 (06/20/02)

P: 67 FR 15241 (03/29/02)

See summary for Morgan Stanley under Securities Lending – “Plan B”-Type Transactions.

Grant; PTE 2002-28


G: 67 FR 39063 (06/06/02)

P: 66 FR 64464 (12/13/01)

See summary for MassMutual under In Kind Purchases.


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