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American Bird Conservancy - Pesticides and Birds Campaign

(PESP Supporter since October 2001)

In response to continuing pesticide-related bird kills throughout the Americas and a paucity of information and action on the issue, the American Bird Conservancy established the Pesticides & Birds Campaign in 1998. After orchestrating a landmark international accord to protect Swainson's Hawks from the deadly insecticide monocrotophos in Argentina, ABC decided to dedicate full-time staff to the problem of pesticide hazards to birds through routine, legal use.

The Campaign's mission is to reduce wild birds' risk of exposure to pesticides that can be proven to have lethal and sublethal effects when used according to law and accepted practice. Initial efforts will (i) better define when, how and to what degree specific pesticide pose risks to birds and (ii) reduce birds' exposure to most hazardous pesticides. Strategies include developing and supporting necessary basic science; improving regulatory, evaluative and monitoring frameworks; engaging the public and other non-profit organizations in the issue by serving as an information and advocacy hub; and, when necessary, working to cancel registrations of the most dangerous pesticides.

Member Contacts

Michael Fry, Director of Pesticide Programs
American Bird Conservancy Pesticides and Birds Campaign
PO Box 249
The Plaines, VA 20198-0249
540-253-5782 (fax)

Rita Fenwick, Development Coordinator
American Bird Conservancy Pesticides and Birds Campaign
PO Box 249
The Plains, VA  20198-0249

EPA Liaison to this Member

Nicole Zinn
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW (7503P)
Washington, DC 20460-0001
703-308-8090 (fax)

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