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Small Business P2 Resources - EPA Region 4


Regional Programs
External Links

This page provides links to non-EPA web sites that provide additonal information about local resources. Providing links to a non-EPA Web site is not an endorsement of the other site or the information it contains by EPA or any of its employees. (see exit EPA)


EPA Region 4, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Resources and contacts
US EPA Region 4 - Air, Pesticide & Toxics Mgmt Division
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Contact: Suganthi Simon
Phone: 404 562-9384
Fax: 404 562-9066

Contact: Pam Swingle
Phone: 404-562-8482

Web Site: www.epa.gov/Region4/p2/

Waste Reduction Resource Center/ P2 Information Center
Services: Technical assistance, industry sector information, and publications
Phone: 919 715-6534
Fax: 919 715-1612
E-mail: John_Calcagni@p2pays.org
Web Site: wrrc.p2pays.org

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Pollution Prevention Unit, Department of Environmental Management
Services: Technical assistance and industry sector fact sheets
PO Box 301463
Montgomery, AL 36310
Contact: Gary Ellis
Phone: 334 394-4352
Fax: 334 394-4383
Web Site: www.adem.state.al.us/Education%20Div/P2%20Program/P2MainPage.htm

Alabama Small Business Development Center
Services: Financial assistance
Phone: 205 943-6750
Fax: 205 943-6752
E-mail: sandefur@uab.edu
Web Site: www.asbdc.org

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Management
Services: Technical Assistance
Phone: 800-533-2336
Fax: 334 271-7950
E-mail: mhs@adem.state.al.us
Web Site: www.adem.state.al.us/Education%20Div/Nonpoint%20Program/WSNPSProgram.htm

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Florida Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Protection
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, training and publications
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Contact: Jan R. DeLaney
Phone: 850 245-8733
Fax: 850-245-8803
Web Site: www.dep.state.fl.us/pollutionprevention/

Florida Small Business Development Center
Services: Financial assistance
Phone: 850 595-6060
Fax: 850 595-6070
E-mail: fsbdc@uwf.edu
Web Site: www.floridasbdc.com

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection
Services: Technical assistance, publications, and training
Phone: 800 722-7457
Web Site: www.dep.state.fl.us/air/programs/sbeap.htm

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Pollution Prevention Assistance Division, Department of Natural Resources
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and industry-sector information
7 MLK Jr. Drive, Suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: 404 651-5120 - 800 685-2443
Fax: 404 651-5130
E-mail: info@p2ad.org
Web Site: www.p2ad.org

Georgia Small Business Development Center
Services: Business and Technical assistance
Phone: 706 542-6762
Fax: 706 542-6776
E-mail: hlogan@sbdc.uga.edu
Web Site: www.sbdc.uga.edu

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources
Services: Technical assistance
Phone: 877 427-6255
E-mail: adword@mail.dnr.state.ga.us
Web Site: www.gasmallbiz.org/

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Kentucky Environmental Compliance Assistance Program
Division of Compliance Assistance
300 Fair Oaks Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-564-0323 ext 343
Fax: 502-564-9720
Website: www.dca.ky.gov/complianceassistance/
E-mail: envhelp@ky.gov

Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection
14 Reilly Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
Contact: Matt Hackathorn
Phone: 502 564-6716
Website: www.dep.ky.gov/default.htm

Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, training, and applied research
420 Lutz Hall
Louisville, KY 40292
Contact: Cam Metcalf
Phone: 502 852-0965
Fax: 502 852 0964
E-mail: info@kppc.org
Web Site: louisville.edu/kppc

Kentucky Small Business Development Center
Services: Financial assistance
Phone: 859 257-7668
Fax: 859 323-1907; 888 475-7232
E-mail: Lrnaug0@pop.uky.edu

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Environmental Resource Center, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications
PO Box 20305
Jackson, MS 39289
Contact: Thomas E. Whitten
Phone: 601 961-5241
Fax: 601 961-5660
Web Site: www.deq.state.ms.us/MDEQ.nsf/page/ERC_pollution_prevention?OpenDocument

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications
Phone: 800 725-6112
Fax: 601 961-5660
E-mail: jesse_thompson@deq.state.ms.us
Web Site: www.deq.state.ms.us/MDEQ.nsf/page/ERC_SmallBusTechAssist?OpenDocument

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Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications
PO Box 29569
Raleigh, NC 27626
Contact: Gary Hunt
Phone: 919 715-6500 or 800 763-0136
Fax: 919 715-6794
E-mail: nowaste@p2pays.org
Web Site: www.p2pays.org

Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Customer Service Center
Services: Permit and regulatory assistance
Phone: 877-623-6748
Fax: 919-715-7468
E-mail: denr.csc@ncmail.net
Web Site: www.envhelp.org

North Carolina Small Business Development Center
Services: Extensive in-depth business counseling and management education services
Phone: 919 715-7272
Fax: 919 715-7777
E-mail: sdaugherty@sbtdc.org
Web Site: www.sbtdc.org

Waste Reduction Resource Center/ P2 Information Center
Services: Technical assistance, industry sector information, and publications
Phone: 919 715-6534
Fax: 919 715-1612
E-mail: John_Calcagni@p2pays.org
Web Site: wrrc.p2pays.org

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Center for Waste Minimization, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Services: Technical assistance and publications
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29208
Contact: Robert Burgess
Phone: 803 896-8986
Fax: 803 734-9934
E-mail address: burgesre@columb30.dhec.state.sc.us.
Web Site: www.scdhec.gov/environment/admin/cwm/

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Services: Technical assistance and publications
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29208
800-819-9001 (896-8940 in Columbia)
FAX: (803) 896-8999
Web Site: www.scdhec.net/environment/admin/sbeap/

South Carolina Small Business Development Center
Services: Environmental assistance
Phone: 803 777-5118
Fax: 803 777-4403
E-mail: uscsbdc@moore.sc.edu
Web Site: mooreschool.sc.edu/moore/usc-sbdc

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Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership (TP3)
Services: Technical assistance and publications
401 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Contact: Karen Grubbs
Phone: 615 532-0463
Web Site: state.tn.us/environment/ea/tp3/

Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Environment and Conservation
Services: Technical assistance and training
Phone: 800 734-3619
E-mail: bgsbeap@state.tn.us
Web Site: state.tn.us/environment/ea/sbeap/

Tennessee Small Business Development Center
Services: Financial and technical assistance
Phone: 615 366-3900
Fax: 615 366-3939
E-mail: SBEAP@state.tn.us
Web Site: www.tsbdc.org

University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services
Services: Technical assistance, publications, and training
Phone: 615 532-8657
Fax: 615 532-4937
Web Site: www.cis.utk.edu

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